(24) Kiri Woke Up!

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he licked it.

he licked her.

he had no idea what he was thinking when he did that.

he had no idea what he was thinking either when he was filled with a sens of pride when she shivered in response.

She sunk her fangs further into his wrist. a reminder and a warning.

He let go of her cheek and neck. a small part of him was disappointed.

She did the same to his wrist. she on the other hand looked furious.
"Why did you bite my neck?!"

"Why did you bite my wrist?" he countered cooly. which only served to infuriate her even more.

"That's not the same! you pinched my cheek what else was i supposed to do?!" She hissed.

"are you upset that i bit you or that i bit your neck?" he arched a brow (well yk what i mean)

She just sat there glared at him for long enough that he was half sure she turned to stone.

"Did it leave a mark?" she asked quietly.

He glanced at her neck.


and glanced back at her face.

"teeth only"

she glared at him in a way that made him want to recoil and made his skin tingle at the same time. not entirely in a bad way. "is that what's bothering you? that i left a mark on you?"

"yes." she gritted out "I am not yours."

"fine" he moved his hair off his shoulder "leave a mark on me then. make us even"

He had no clue what this woman did to him that made him think so little so often.

she narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Probably thinking 'what the hell?'

He was thinking the exact same thing.

He leaned forward amd whispered in her ear, keeping his neck exposed "bite. me."

She did. pushing him back and pinning him to to ground too.

and as he felt her teeth close around the spot connecting his neck and shoulder the breath was knocked out of him.

She must have heard it because he felt her smirk. then felt her lick him. he tried and failed to suppress a shudder.

Fourtunately, the Great Mother saved him from whatever she would've done next when a bush rusteled nearby. she was off him in a second crouching between him and whatever caused the noise; knife drawn and teeth bared.

he wasn't entirely sure he's grateful for the interruption.

He on the other hand was still laying behind her on the grass, proped up by his elbows, trying to get over the feeling of her mouth on his neck.

A tall blue na'vi, who he wanted nothing more than to throttle, appeared.


Tyan'nor let her defensive stance  drop as Mar'uay walked from behind the trees.

He looked between them with  narrowed eyes "am i interrupting?"

Kaltuk opened his mouth but Tyane beat him to it with a firm "No."

Mar'uay nodded slowly, still suspicious. "Well i came to tell you that Kiri woke up"


Kaltuk watched as Tyane quite literally bolted out of the clearing pausing briefly to give the other dark blue Na'vi a quick hug, muttering a trail of 'thank you'-s, before going on her way without sparing him a glance.

Why didn't she look back?

Her sister almost drowned you stupid idiot! of course she won't think twice about you! His brain chided

He glared at the remaining blue Navi standing Infront of him.

"You said the Olo'eyktan wanted to see her" Mar'uay hissed

Kaltuk stood and faced him, he had a few cm on him not much but it gave him a sens of satisfaction, and he spat "People say a lot of things, when you grow up you'll find that not everything they say is true."

And brushed past him.

Only to be stopped by a hand on his forearm.

Mar'uay growled "If I find out you hurt her while she was vulnerable I'll-"

"You'll do what exactly? You think you can beat me?"

Mar'uay huffed a laugh "I won't have to, Neytiri would and that is before Tyane has her turn. she doesn't appreciate getting taken advantage of."

Kaltuk pulled he arm out of the blue Navi's grip and walked off.


"Oh Kiri! Thank Eywa!" Tyan'ore cried, Pulling her sister into a tight hug the moment she walked in and saw her sitting up, breathing, with her eyes open.

Kiri hugged her back just as tight, but Tyane saw her tear streaked face, her red eyes, the small hiccups between breaths.

"I'm so sorry I didn't come with you to the cove, I should have found out and came with you. And I'm sorry for being so distant lately and for not making enough time for you, there is no excuse for that. I'm sorry for being a terrible sister since we came here I promise I'll do better." Tyane ranted, stumbling over all the right words to say and all the things to apologize for.

She feared if she stopped being a good sister to them they'll all lose trust in her and shun her. And she'll lose her place as their older sister.

No. No. That can't- won't happen. She. will. Not. let it.

Leaving home has been hard. And She has been putting all her efforts on getting ahead in training and not getting in any trouble.

Well, unfortunately for training, it'll have to take a back seat for a while. She has more important things at hand.

(AN: the story might still not continue I'm just bored)

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