(4) It's not your fault...

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A/N: I'll tell you when to play the song, enjoy🫶🏽🫶🏽


Tyane'nor cursed loudly and colourfully enough to curdle milk, safe to say she was pretty sure the entire camp heard her

Her suspicions were confirmed when Neteyam, her mother, Tuk, Kiri, Lo'ak and even Spider ran into the tent. Tuk and Kiri were frowning while Neteyam, Lo'ak and Spider were smirking, and her father looked somewhere between shocked and impressed.

then her eyes wandered to Neytiri, "Kill me" She muttered to herself the moment she saw her mother's reaction. "She'll probably get to you first" her father answered

Neytiri opened her mouth probably to scold her or threaten her for saying such words so loudly, Tyane'nor was faster tho "Before you say anything Mother I just wanted to tell you that grandma right there" She sent her grandmother an accusatory look "She decided to move my BONES" she emphasized the word as her siblings plus spider cringed "without reaching the number three as we agreed and therefore it is her fault I cursed so loudly"

Neytiri opened and closed her mouth multiple times seemingly can't decide what to say first she took the win, "Move your bones?" Neytiri asked, grimacing at the word as did the rest

"Her knee was dislocated, I had to move back to its place" Mo'at answered as she wiped her hands from the salves she was applying on her granddaughter's knee, eyes still twinkling with amusement at Tyane's fast response.

"Neteyam" She held out her hands and waited for him to pull her up, he did

"Careful! Child" Mo'at hissed "I do not want you coming back here with an even worse injury, and I do not want you putting any extra weight on it for the next few days"

"Don't worry mama I'm not that heavy, look" she wiggled her leg in the air "Good as new, now if you'll excuse me I have to shower" She kissed her grandmother on the cheek before jogging out of the tent making sure to not put any real weight on her previously injured knee

"Give the salves time to rest!" She heard her grandmother call after her


"Hey boy" Tyane'nor greeted her ikran smiling warmly at him, Her ikran let out a sound of shock and worry when he saw the state she was in

"I missed you too, Kar'am," she giggled and hugged his neck, he leaned into the hug "Up for a flight?" he eyed her seemingly saying Are you?

"Come onnn, I will land you next to Lo'ak's ikran when we're back" She wiggled her brows at him, Kar'am, although he has a massive crush on Lo'ak's ikran, did not seem satisfied with the deal

"FINE! I'll tell you what happened on the way down Happy?" Tyane relented


As they went down Tyane'nor told Kar'am everything that happened trying her best to keep the tears at bay

Once they reached the clearing near the river, Tyane dismounted and petted Kar'am's head "You can go if you want to, I know how much you miss the forest, just stay close enough to hear me when I call"

Seconds after she got into the water she heard familiar footsteps coming from behind her "Following me now, are we?" She threw him a glance over her shoulder, Seconds later she felt strong arms wrap around her middle, as he rested his head in the crook of her neck.

"How are you feeling?" Tarsem asked

"I'm good" she played with his hair "Are you?"

A beat of silence then "I thought I lost you today," Tarsem said quietly

She turned around when he didn't meet her eyes she held his face in her hand forcing him to look at her "But you didn't. and I'm right here"

"You have no idea how thankful I am for that" He removed one of his hands from her hips to caress her face as his gaze travelled from my eyes to my lips then back to my eyes.

She bit back a smile "Even when I'm dirty you can't resist me"

"No I can't, can I?" He looked deeply into her eyes, and then he bit his lip "I'm sorry about Isaphine"

"It's not your fault," She said softly, looking through the clear water to the rocks beneath their feet

"Hey" He hooked a finger under her shin "it's not your fault either"

"Can you help me wash the blood off?" She asked looking up at him.

Next to her brothers, she feels like a giant however next to Tarsem she felt small, She liked feeling like a giant for the most part, Neteyam was up to her shoulder, Lo'ak her chest, Kiri in between and Tuk around mid-thigh. The height difference between them was the same between her and Kiri, she appreciated that she liked to feel small from time to time.

Tarsem nodded hugging her and lowering them both until the water was up to her chest and started washing her hair and back as she did her front.


Even though now Tyane didn't have one drop of blood on her skin she still felt it clinging to her like a phantom touch.

Her grandmother told her once that hair carries memories so she tugged on her lover's hand "Tarsem... can you cut my hair?"

her post haircut

Credits to the amazing: @NEYTIRI_oc on Pinterest ~~~

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Credits to the amazing: @NEYTIRI_oc on Pinterest

A/N: 1st update in exam season YAYY!!
Hope you enjoyed it love💗💗

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