ONE, nasty beer

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ONE, nasty beer( episode one, pilot )☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎

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ONE, nasty beer
( episode one, pilot )

     CASSANDRA ROUTLEDGE SAT ON THE SCAFFODLING BESIDE THE ROOF OF AN UNDER CONSTRUCTION FIGURE EIGHT HOUSE, BESIDES JJ MAYBANK, WHO HANDED HER A COLD BEER. in an attempt to cool herself down, she pushed her sunglasses up, pushing her hair back with them, and pressed the beer against her forehead. it felt good, like a nice escape from the hot north carolina sun. jj looked over at her amused, watching her close her eyes and smile as soon as the cold can touched her skin.

"that's what, a three story fall to the deck?" pope heyward questioned, making cassie open her eyes abruptly. she followed pope's eyes up to the roof, where her twin brother, john b routledge, stood, one foot dangling off. "i give you a one in three chance of survival."

john b stuck a finger in his mouth, wetting it with spit, and held it up in the air. "should i do it?" he questioned.

"yeah, then i'll be a sibling-less orphan." cassie told him, rolling her eyes.

pope held up a drill like a gun, telling john b, "i'll shoot you on the way down." cassie finally lowered her beer, which was increasingly getting hotter the longer she held it to her face, and cracked it open, although it was greasy in her hand, because of the sunscreen she had reapplied recently.

john b laughed at pope, making a gun with his thumb and pointer finger and pointing it back at pope. "you're gonna shoot me? pew." he said, shooting off his "gun".

kiara carrera came out from inside of the unfinished house, exclaiming, "they're gonna have japanese toilets with towel warmers."

"of course they are, why wouldn't they?" jj replied playfully.

kiara looked around at the construction she walked through. "this used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, i guess?" she remarked. she was all about the environment, everyone knew that. even though kie was a kook, she hung with the pogues, because she didn't like all of the toxicity and fakeness that came with being a kook.

"i can't have cold towels," jj joked, making cassie smile, nudging him arm.

kiara looked up at the routledge boy, still dangling a foot over the edge. "can you please not kill yourself?" she asked him, squinting to see him past the blisteringly hot sun.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now