FOUR, diver down

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FOUR, diver down( episode one, pilot )☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎

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FOUR, diver down
( episode one, pilot )

     CASSIE WOKE UP THE NEXT MORNING, ALTHOUGH SHE HAD HARDLY SLEPT, CLINGING ONTO GRACE'S BLANKET, FROM HER BED. the blanket was a hand me down, it was actually cassie's blanket from when she was a baby. she didn't like it when grace went away, as much as she wouldn't admit it. sure, it was nice when cassie got a little break and time to be a teenager, but she found that by morning she missed her daughter more than she had ever missed anyone. not her dad, not her mom,— although she didn't really know her very well— not uncle t.

this was one of these mornings, where she found herself longing to hold her daughter, who, more times than not, climbed into her bed and cuddled up with her, instead of sleeping in her own. only this morning, she missed someone else, just as much, too. she found that eventually, after she got ready, when she emerged into the living room, the absence of a blonde boy sleeping on her couch was way more affecting than she could've ever guessed it would be.

her heart ached, wondering where he went after she kicked him out. wondering if he was okay. wondering if he had gone back to his dad's place, if his dad was drunk and angry, if they had gotten into it or not.

cassie barely even noticed the woman taking a look around in her kitchen as she went through scenarios in her head. when she did finally notice her, she jumped, gasping in surprise at sheriff peterkin's presence.

"cassie." the woman said, also surprised that someone had woken up. "don't worry, i need to talk to your brother."

cassie bit her lip, nervously, fiddling with the bottom of her shirt. she nodded, turning back to point at which room was his, before blocking the walkway with her arms. "did jj get taken into the station last night, at all?" she asked, nervous for the answer.

"not that i know of." sheriff peterkin replied, shaking her head. "although i wouldn't put it past him, of course." the entire sheriff's department knew jj maybank, with how often he came in, and how much he messed around with them. the officer gave her a knowing look, which made cassie panic, because she more than likely knew that the one with the gun was jj.

the young girl let out a relieved sigh, moving her arm. "thank you," she nodded. "uh, john b's still sleeping, he, uh, had a rough night." her voice hitched in her throat thinking about it, the vision of her brother face down in the water, with topper's hand holding him down, then the gun coming out. it was all too much and she would prefer not to relive it, so she focused on the officer once again.

"so i've heard." the woman remarked, stepping past her. "you staying out of trouble, cassie?" cassie nodded, honestly, although it may not have been true, she was trying her very best to be nothing but an accomplice. "smart girl. keep it that way."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now