SEVEN, scarlet begonias

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SEVEN, scarlet begonias( episode three, the forbidden zone )☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎

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SEVEN, scarlet begonias
( episode three, the forbidden zone )

     CASSIE WOKE UP THE NEXT MORNING WITH ARMS THAT WERE NOT GRACE'S TINY ARMS AROUND HER. she wiped her eyes, turning around to meet jj maybank, which was the last thing she expected. her head was killing her, and she groaned at the bright light coming through the window. the girl sat up, placing a hand on jj's chest and shaking him.

"hey," she continued to shake, as the boy's eyes slightly opened. "jj."

"hey," he muttered, turning to the other side, his back to cassie. she groaned, tugging on his arm. "what?" he turned back to face her.

"what happened last night?" she questioned, anxiously.

"hm?" he hummed, finally opening his eyes to see the girl beside him. "you got really drunk."

"did we..." cassie trailed off, waving her finger between the two of them, with her brows furrowed, visibly asking if they had sex the previous night.

"no, no, no." he assured her, rubbing her arm. "you wanted me to lay with you because grace isn't in here." cassie nodded, relieved, although she couldn't remember anything past the tape recording of her father. he closed his eyes again, throwing the blanket over his head.

she got out of bed, uncomfortable since she had slept in her jean shorts. she slipped them off, now standing in just underwear— which she didn't mind jj seeing, since she had bikinis that revealed more.

cassie crossed the hall, opening the door to grace's new room. the little girl was kneeling down on the ground playing with a baby doll, pressing a plastic bottle of fake milk against the baby's closed lips. "hi, honey,"

"hi," the girl softly greeted, turning around.

out of nowhere, there was a knock on the door, making cassie jump in the fear of it being the police or those square groupers. she peeked out the window, seeing that a familiar black rolls royce was parked outside.

"jj, can you grab me some pants?" she shouted, rushing to the door.

jj groaned, getting up and pulling some lounge shorts from a chair with a pile of clothes sitting on it. he walked out into the living room, tossing them to her, and collapsing onto the couch.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now