TEN, pogues in fancy clothes

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TEN, pogues in fancy clothes( episode five, midsummers )☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎

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TEN, pogues in fancy clothes
( episode five, midsummers )

     THE NEXT DAY, CASSIE SLEPT IN, TRYING TO SLEEP HER PAIN AWAY. overall, it did help, but waking up she still felt awful. her head was pounding and her neck was sore. but, she decided to continue on, acting normal. 

she and jj grabbed grace from the thompson's house, cassie thanked eveyln profusely for all of her help, especially in the last week, with everything going on. then, the three grabbed kiara and headed over to heyward's, to check on pope.

"don't let it get in your head bro." jj said to pope, who along with kiara was actually working, unlike he and cassie. "there's four of them and two of us. that's typical kook shit right there."

"hell yeah." replied kie, nodding.

cassie pulled the collar of her shirt up higher on her neck, trying to hide the bruising, since they were in public. she stood in front of grace, who was sitting on the counter, playing peacefully with her lamb.

"what was your thought process, using your head?" jj questioned.

"i don't know, man. i just kind of acted off instinct." pope explained, jotting something down. "alright, i was a cornered animal."

"hey, pope, someone here to see you." heyward announced, making everyone look up, in surprise of who followed behind him. deputy shoupe.

cassie immediately pulled grace from the counter into her arms, trying to have grace's head hide the bruising on her neck.

"evening, officer." pope anxiously said.

"i have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property." shoupe explained. "keep your hands on the counter where i can see 'em."

shit. cassie thought, still keeping grace close to her, to cover her neck.

"young lady, get out of my way please." he told kiara, pushing her aside.

"whoa, whoa, whoa, wait wait. shoupe, what'd he do?" heyward questioned, incredibly confused about what was going. this was something he never thought he'd see; his son who had never done anything wrong in his life, getting handcuffed by a police officer.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now