FIFTEEN, i love you's

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FIFTEEN, i love you's( episode seven, dead calm )☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎

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FIFTEEN, i love you's
( episode seven, dead calm )

      CASSIE HITCHED A RIDE WITH POPE AND KIE TO THE CHATEAU, WHERE SHE KNEW SOONER OR LATER JJ WOULD TURN UP. she was quiet on the way, rehearsing what she'd say to him in her head. she was willing to risk their friendship now, knowing that people only fall in love— real, true love, like what she knew she felt for jj— once in a lifetime.

she had found out, in passing that tomorrow night they would be going to get the rest of the gold, since john b had some fishing thing to do with ward cameron the next morning.

"okay, we gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning." pope announced, as they pulled up to the chateau. cassie was not listening, though, as she was too busy going over what she'd say to jj.

"okay, well, we gotta focus." kie replied, nodding.

"i know, i know. it's gonna be fine. we got john b and jj inside the well, and me up top." kie began to get out of the car, as pope explained. "you, cass, and sarah will be outside transporting."

"yeah, we got this." kie replied, smiling. "right, cass?"

cassie opened her own door, sliding out of her seat onto the ground. "sure..." pope and kie shared a look, but didn't mention her absentmindedness.

"cool." pope agreed, getting out of the driver's seat. the pair went around to the back of the truck, while cassie started to walk towards the house. "uh, i got a winch." he began to explain, but cassie didn't listen.

instead, she walked through the dark, looking down to the dock, then to the porch to try and figure out if jj was there. all of a sudden, the yard of the chateau lit up, making cassie realize that jj was right in front of her.

in a super swanky hot tub, with colorful lights wrapped all around the trees.

"what the hell?" she questioned, as pope and kie joined her quickly.

"what did you do, jj?" pope asked, stunned.

cassie was extremely confused. had he spent the money he had planned on using for restitution?

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now