TWO, free day

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TWO, free day( episode one, pilot )☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎

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TWO, free day
( episode one, pilot )

     THE NEXT MORNING, CASSIE WOKE UP WITH A HEADACHE FROM CRYING. she hated that feeling. she pulled herself out of bed, wiping her crusty eyes and dried drool from the corners of her mouth. she could tell the electricity was out because her phone, which was plugged in, wasn't charging. she assumed the cell phone towers were down because of agatha.

john b walked in the room, nodding to her, and questioning, "you been outside yet?" cassie shook her head, standing up and following after her brother, through the living room, where jj slept on the pull out. "yo, jj, you been outside?" john b asked the blonde, slapping his bare back.

"i have polio, bro. i can't walk." he muttered into the pillow.

the twins walked onto the porch, assessing the damage. a big tree was uprooted, laying on it's side. "oh, man." john b groaned, taking in his surroundings. "that's no good."

"shit." cassie sighed, looking at what was underneath the tree, squashed. it was grace's trampoline, which was small and falling apart, but the blonde routledge loved it to death.

"oh, man." john b continued, walking over to the boat and tossing branches and sticks out.

jj stood on the porch, with a beer from the night before, saying aloud, "agatha did some work, huh?" he took a swig of the old beer, burping.

"yeah, she did." john b replied, tossing a big branch out to the ground.

cassie leaned against the boat, as jj joined the two, asking the boy, "what you thinkin'?" which cassie was also wondering.

"i'm thinkin' that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. all those drum are gonna chase the crab." john b answered.

cassie couldn't believe her brother, he couldn't be serious. even if dcs didn't come that day, they still needed to figure out what to do and how to get uncle t in the outer banks quick. she stared at him with a look on her face that was obviously upset.

"what about the dcs? wasn't that today?" jj questioned, reading the pissed off expression written all over cassie's face.

"nah, they're not gettin' on a ferry." john b replied, turning around to see his sister's face. he grabbed the brunette girl's arm, telling her, "come on, think about it. it's god tellin' us to fish."

cassie ripped her arm away from him. "are you fucking kidding me, john b?" she questioned in rage.

"come on, we'll figure it out... while fishing."

the girl stormed away, walking over to the porch, but stopping when she saw grace stood at the front door, pouting. "my trampoline!" she cried, as cassie went over and picked her up.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now