THREE, three layer burrito

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THREE, three layer burrito( episode one, pilot )☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎

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THREE, three layer burrito
( episode one, pilot )

     AS THE OTHERS SET UP FOR THE PARTY, CASSIE WENT TO THE JACKSON RESIDENCE TO DROP GRACE OFF FOR THE NIGHT. she unbuckled grace from her car seat, pulling her out and setting her on her hip, slinging the diaper bag over her shoulder. "you excited to see grandma and grandpa, gracie?"

"yes!" grace cheered, grinning.

cassie walked up to the front porch, ringing the doorbell, since they had power, because almost every single kook on the island had a generator. quickly after ringing the doorbell, leanne jackson, grace's grandmother, opened up the door and her face quickly contorted to surprise. "cassie! what're you doing here?" leanne questioned, wrapping her cardigan around her tightly.

"hi grandma." the young girl greeted, smiling.

"i was just wondering if grace could stay here for tonight?" cassie questioned, hoisting grace higher up on her hip. "we don't have power at our house."

leanne frowned, before quickly covering it up with a more pleasant expression. "oh! well, of course that's fine." she opened the door up wider, motioning for the girls to come inside.

cassie stepped inside and set grace down on her feet. "i can pick her up tomorrow, i just want her to get a bath and a nice hot meal." she explained, turning to leanne with a fake smile.

cassie and leanne did not get along. they put on acts and kept it civil for grace, but leanne thought cassie was an irresponsible, too young, white trash, unfit mother and cassie thought leanne was a terrible, cruel, rich snob. cassie felt as though the only reason max and the jackson family were involved in grace's life as a punishment. leanne viewed her son as an idiot for knocking up a pogue and very evidently made him care for grace as a way to make him pay for what he had done. cassie hated it, since grace was their daughter, not a punishment. even if she had made a mistake, she would never view raising grace as a punishment.

"i totally understand that." leanne nodded, smiling to grace. "would you like to stay for dinner?" she offered, although her eyes were not as generous as her words.

"i'm okay, thank you, leanne." cassie told her, nodding. she followed leanne into the living room, setting her diaper bag down on the couch. "how was italy?" she questioned, although she hated small talk with her entirety.

leanne softly smiled, sitting down on the couch, picking grace up and setting her beside her. "it was beautiful. grace loved it, although she was a little bored." the woman informed her.

cassie nodded, smiling weakly at her. she knew grace was miserable the whole time, because every night max would facetime her and grace would beg to come home, as well as max telling her that she was constantly throwing fits the entire trip, when usually she was a peaceful child. "that's great." the girl replied. she looked around, awkwardly, nodding, before announcing, "i'm gonna get going."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now