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Narrator's Pov

The room was silent, everyone was in there trance not being able to snap out of it. They wished what they heard was just a nightmare. They wished it wasn't true.

Most of them suspected abuse or a disturbing past but even those who dared to think of any form of sexual assault, were shocked to actually hear her say it.

The thought of such horrors happening to their little baby haunted them all. Rowan moved to the side of the backyard and violently threw up as the images of his sister crying came up.

Not just Xander or Kyson but each member of the family felt guilty of not doing anything sooner. They all blamed themselves and they very well knew that it's not gonna change anything.

Grandfather Lorenzo was the first to get back to reality and snap out of the words of his granddaughter that still hung in the air. He clearly his throat and called one of his men.

"Capo" The man on the other side of the call greeted.

Even after decades of retiring, his hold was still strong on the Mafia world, he was feared and people still called him by his old title.

"I want Damon Walker in my basement" Lorenzo commanded and before cutting the call he added 'unharmed' as a special instruction.

Since he met Damon for the first time in Andrei's office, he knew something was wrong with him. Lorenzo appointed a man to regularly follow him to find out something suspicious and keep an eye on him in case he's ever needed.

Lorenzo didn't want to make any mistakes, he didn't want to get Damon in his custody and later find out that it's not what his granddaughter want. He was waiting for Eleanora to tell them something so they could take action.

He was surprised when Damon didn't do anything out of ordinary. He went to his clinic and then back at home, he didn't do anything that could be considered unusual.

That's how Damon lived. He knew how to keep up his image. He was always a saint in everyone's eyes. Only Eleanora truly knew the monster he hid behind his skin.

"How did we not know?" Zion sniffled as he was sat on the sofa with his head buried in his hands.

It was rare for everyone especially the Capos and ex-Capos to show emotions but this was a moment of vulnerability for all of them.

"I told you, we shouldn't leave her with Isabella" Bianca yelled at her husband.

"I tried I... I tried my best to convince Ace but he was..." Lennox trailed off as he pulled his sobbing wife in his arms. He didn't know what to say. Nobody did.

"He was a fool to cry over a disloyal wife. He destroyed his own daughter's life only because he didn't want to see Isabella's face again" Ezra said running a hand through his hair in frustration as his wife placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

Both of Ace's brothers, their wives and his parents were completely against the idea of letting Eleanora live with her mother. They protested and tried to convince Ace to change his decision, even offering to take her in but he was stubborn. He had already given Isabella his word and to Mafia men, their words are promises.

"It was all in front of our eyes. How she didn't like if someone touched her, the nightmares, getting scared for the smallest things, the nervousness, not talking about her past, the panic attacks, the-" Aaron choked on air as he was unable to talk anymore.

"If only we had asked-" Xavier started but Giovanni cut him off.

"If only you guys weren't an asshole to her then she might have trusted us sooner. She wouldn't have to tell it this way. I can't imagine how hard it must've been for her to go through all that and when she finally left that place, she got nothing close to love or a family"

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