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Eleanora's Pov

"Saturday it is then." Liliana claps her hands together and rises from the seat next to me.

"Sure." I smile politely at her before she engulfs me in a hug.

I've been wary of her ever since I found what Silas did to her. The way she keeps bringing up her brother and how Silas' current girlfriend Rihanna warned me, only added to my suspicions.

I had thought that maybe I chose the wrong girl to befriend. But after I opened up to her about my discomfort in her regard, she assured that she never meant any harm to me.

Even if she was once involved with my brother that had nothing to do with our friendship. We slowly grew closer and I found out that all of it was just my own head playing tricks on mind.

My therapist told me I had trouble opening up to my family because I have severe trust issues. Maybe if I surround myself with genuine people then I can get rid of it.

When Liliana asked if I wanted to join her for her parent's anniversary, I agreed to the invitation, trying to take a step out of my comfort zone and not let my trust issues ruin my good times. Thankfully Andrei also liked the idea and allowed me to go for the afternoon.

Arius wasn't quite happy with the plan. He told me to be careful and openly expressed his dislike for her brother. So I promised him that if at any point I'm not comfortable, I'll call one of my brothers to pick me up.

As Liliana packs her bag and goes to her brother and his friend to sit with at the recess, I swing my bag over my shoulder and make my way towards the door when an arm appears in front of me, blocking my exit.

I look up and see Luce standing in front of me with an apologetic smile. Things have been sore or rather nonexistent between us ever since he hit Arius the day we won the music competition.

He made it even worse by trying to spoil my boyfriend's image in front of me. Since then I've kept my distance. I don't reply back to his apologizes or receive any of his calls. I don't even sit at his table anymore.

"What now, Lucas?" I roll my eyes.

"So it's Lucas now?" He raises an eyebrow.

"You got what you deserve."

Luce steps away for a few students to pass before his arm came back up to block the exit. I'm getting irritated but I know my brothers will be here soon so I might as well hear what he has to say.

"I like you Bella and I don't see why it should be something our friendship gets ruined by." He admitted quietly.

"You don't even understand what the problem is, Luce. Do you?"

"Is it because I don't like Arius?" He spat.

"Yes, because you don't have any valid reason to hate him. And I've told you before that nothing is ever going to happen between you and I, so as a good friend you're supposed to move on and be happy that your friend is in a healthy relationship."

I try to shove his arm away and move past him but he didn't budge. Instead, he looked me straight in the eyes and gave me a look of hurt. One that always made me want to forgive him.

Not today. Maybe I never saw through him because Luce was always my only friend and the only person I could turn to. But I'm not as gullible anymore.

"I can't help how I feel."

"Luce," I sighed. "I really like Arius and if you can't accept him then we can't be friends."

"If I accept him... then will you be mine? We don't have to tell him about us. You can keep him, I promise I'll never interfere between you guys. Just... just be with me, Bella."

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