Chapter 2: Surprise

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~Previously in "Back in Town"~

*Present Day*

Alec drove up on the scene, the flashing lights of police cars all around, compounded by their reflections on the glass of shop windows and in the rain puddles on the ground. He pulled up as close as he could get with all the other cars around and saw the ambulance. His heart felt as if it caught in his chest and he felt his pacemaker catch the slight arrythmia. As he pulled himself out of his car, his eyes were darting between the open doored, but empty, ambulance, the front of the pub, and the crowd. He looked for familiar faces. Finally, one came up right in front of him and stopped him in his tracks. Ellie Miller.


As Ellie watched the paramedics work to stabilize Liv, before moving her, she trembled thinking of how important the woman had been in her own life. They had known each other since childhood, she was as close to a sister as Ellie had, and now like an Aunt to her own children.


*Eight months prior, the day after first meeting Alec*

"Auntie Liv!" Tom exclaimed as he jumped up off the couch and ran over to hug the woman who had been let into the house by his mom.

"Hey, Tom, my boy!" She grinned and opened her arms for a hug as he met her. "Look at you! Blimey, you're almost as tall as your mother! Where's that little brother of yours?"

"Fred! Auntie Liv is here!" Tom yelled upstairs and she heard a light set of footsteps running along the landing and down the steps. She turned to see the young man, now almost five years old, coming into the room.

"Oh my word, Fred Miller, you were only a wee baby when I saw you last!" Liv marveled as she picked up the boy, who wiggled uncomfortably in her grip. "I'm sorry, Fred. You don't remember me, do you? I was there the day you were born. Your mum and I have been best friends our whole lives! Your brother calls me Auntie Liv, would you like to, as well?"

"Auntie Wiv, Mum has talked about you." the boy said in his little voice and it made Liv's heart melt. "You talk like Awec."

"Oh, that's right I do." Liv smiled and remembered Ellie's boss. It made sense with them being partner investigators that he had spent time with the Millers. She continued to explain, "We're both from Scotland. You're a smart young man, Fred. I look forward to getting to know you."

"Mum says you write books. She's shown them to me, but they look boring," Fred said in seriousness as he played with her red hair. "You should write a book less boring, Auntie Wiv."

Liv laughed. "I believe you're right, Fred. Perhaps I should write a children's book. Would you read it for me and tell me if it's not boring?"

Fred nodded his head enthusiastically. "I can do that. I'm learning to read. As long as there aren't big words."

From up the stairs a male voice came booming down. "Is that Olivia MacDonald, come to get my daughter into trouble again? What will it be this time, a party? Staying up late gossiping? Spying on boys through the neighbour's fence?" Ellie's father had a broad smile on his face as he came down from upstairs and the corner.

"Dad! It's you!" Liv let Fred gently slip down out of her arms to the floor and grinned as she practically leapt to give Ellie's father a hug.

"Olivia! How's my girl! It's about time you came back around!" The grey-haired man smiled.

"I'm doing great, now that I'm back home in Broadchurch. The city life was okay for a while, but it's great to be back amongst friends, family, and by the water. I didn't know how much I missed it till I came back."

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