Chapter 15: Post Trauma - Day Eight

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*Present Day*

Alec came quickly into the hospital room, his trench coat billowing out behind him. His hair was wet from the rain and he shook his head, running a hand through the hair to try and dry it a bit.

He had a bag in his hand which he set down and began pulling items out of. First, a bundle of dried lavender which he set on the rolling table on the opposite side of the bed from his chair. Lavender was her favorite smell. He pulled the iPod out and turned on the music, low enough not to disturb anyone outside their room.


*Flashback-Month Eight of Alec & Liv-Just a few weeks before*

Daisy laid back on the sofa in Liv's living room, flipping through pages of the author's manuscript. Liv had been watching her for a while, an amused expression on her face—the teenager hadn't moved a muscle, except to flip the pages, in almost two hours.

Liv had asked Alec for permission to pick up Daisy after school and have her over for some 'girl time' and to have her read over the first ten chapters of her new book.

Finally, Daisy finished the last page and let the thick stack of papers drop onto her lap. "Oh my god, Liv, that was amazing! I have to know what happens next!"

Liv grinned and spun around in her chair, stopping to face her laptop and clicking the tick box on her to do list. Yes, she had hoped to have Daisy Hardy's approval of the first section of her book before she sent it on to the publisher. She knew from prior discussions with Daisy that she was a well read teenager, had been impressed by her knowledge, and knew she was a good judge of a book's worth. She stopped a moment and spun back around, a critical eye looking at the girl on her sofa. "You're sure? You're not just saying that because I'm your dad's girlfriend?"

"Are you kidding me?" Daisy sat up on the sofa. "I wouldn't care if you were already married to my dad, I'm not going to lie about something like this. It's brilliant, Liv!" Liv blushed, not so much about the compliment, but regarding the idea of being married to Alec Hardy. Daisy noticed the reaction, and after a moment, she turned, allowing her legs to slide off the sofa and her feet touched the floor. She slipped the stack of paper onto the coffee table and leaned back, keeping a close eye on Liv. "Would you?"

"Would I what?" Liv asked, trying not to follow the conversation where she thought it was going.

"You know—would you marry my dad?" Daisy asked again, more directly.

Liv sighed, running a hand over her face before crossing her arms over her chest. "I love your father very much, Daisy. But—I'm not sure that he's ready for that sort of commitment—or if it's even what he wants."

Daisy sat forward now, elbows leaning on her knees, hands cupping her chin. "I didn't ask about my dad – I asked about you."

Liv was in a stare down with the teenager, unsure of what to say. She sighed and stood up, taking an empty glass towards the kitchen. "Yes."

"Yes?" Daisy repeated, in question.

"Yes, I would marry your father." She came back and sat on the sofa next to the girl. "But, Daisy, please don't try to push your dad into anything. We've both been through our own hell in relationships. I'm here to love him in whatever way he needs. I expect nothing from him." Just at that moment, the doorbell rang. "That's your dad, here to take us out to dinner. Promise me you won't tell him?"


*Present Day*

Alec sat on the edge of the bed, stroking Liv's hand. "Daisy is about to bust down the doors of the hospital if I don't let her come see you soon. Especially when I told her last night that I think you might be waking up soon. I just wish I had some sign."

As if on cue, he suddenly felt her hand twitch within his. He jerked his hands away, as if they had been burnt, but then quickly regained his composure and took her hand back. "Liv, darlin', can you do that again? Do you hear me?"

This time, he felt and saw her fingers clench around his for a moment. He looked up to her face in time to see her eyes darting behind her eyelids and her lip trembling.

"Olivia—Liv—it's me, it's Alec. Darlin' can you open your eyes?" He leaned in, raising her hand to his lips and kissing it gently.

And then, he saw them, the same beautiful blue-green eyes that had captured him the first time he had seen them at the pub eight months before. Olivia MacDonald woke up. She looked directly at him, squeezing his hand.

"A-a-Alec," she croaked out in a whisper.

It was all it took for Alec to break down in a sob. Liv was finally awake, and she remembered him.

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