Chapter 11: Post Trauma-Day Four, Part 4

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*Flashback – Month 4 of Alec and Liv, continued*

Alec Hardy had been back from Bridport for just over an hour. He sat in his office, enjoying the quiet as the construction workers wouldn't be back till later in the afternoon to continue work on the office renovations. He was finishing reports on their last case, preparing to file it away, when his phone beeped. He was waiting for a report from Ellie as to how her visit to Liv had gone that morning. It had been two days since the big blow up between him and Liv. He was finding it hard to concentrate on anything, although meeting with his friend in Bridport that morning and knowing Jim Wright was out of the way, at least for a while, helped. He printed the document he had open on his computer, then closed it and picked up his phone.

Meet me outside. Please. -Liv

His heart felt like it had skipped a beat, though he was sure his pacemaker would have caught it and he'd have felt that. All the same, he suddenly was having a hard time breathing as he jumped up and grabbed his overcoat. He glanced out the window and frowned as he saw the pouring rain, so he reached back into his office and grabbed the umbrella off the coat rack.

Just a few minutes later he was at the entrance to the station and popped open then umbrella, squinting his eyes to see Liv standing at the bottom of the stairs in the pouring rain, soaking wet, with no umbrella.

He ran up, and as he came close, he made sure the umbrella covered them both, and saw her red-rimmed eyes. Though you couldn't tell what was tears and what was rain as her whole body was soaking wet.

"Liv, what are you doing out here in the pouring rain?!" he choked out as he stepped even closer, even under the circumstances, even though he didn't know how this conversation was going to go, he was just happy to be in her presence again.

She took a deep breath that was somewhere between a sob and a gasp, before finally speaking quietly, "I love you, too."

"What?" His brain wasn't sure if he was hearing correctly with the rain pouring down and cars going by, wet tires splashing on the wet pavement.

"I love you, too!" she said louder. "You said—the last thing you said to me before I ran away the other night was that you loved me. And—if I haven't screwed things up too badly, hell, even if I have—I just want you to know—I do—I do love you."

"Liv I—" he started to speak, but she interrupted.

"No, please—let me keep going—I've got to say this. I—I've never known real love—other than that of family and friends—not—" She slowly raised her hand and placed it over his heart and something about the gentle touch made him gasp. "Not this kind of love. And when I met you, I found you absolutely astounding, beneath all the rough exterior you had built up over time from all the hell you'd been through, I saw such an amazing man. But I was so busy trying to help you learn to soften up, I had forgotten the scar tissue over my own heart. You covered up your scars with a rough, grumpy exterior. I guess I covered mine up with a fake happiness that only really went so deep. You were right—Ellie was right—I'm not used to having that kind of care, that kind of love—I'm used to taking care of myself, especially when it comes to Jim Wright. But Alec, I love you—I do—and I want to learn to let you take care of me, to let you protect me."

Alec made quick work of pulling her to his chest, wrapping his arms around her, one hand still gripping the umbrella tight to keep it over them, the other holding her head to his chest. He pressed a kiss into her wet hair, then rested his cheek there. "Jim Wright won't bother you again, and if he ever does, he'll really regret it. The first step in you letting me protect you – I want you to let me help you file a non-molestation order, okay?" She nodded, and he continued to hold her there, in the rain, till she was ready for the next step.

*Present Day*


"Mr. Barrett, it's good to see you again." Alec Hardy stood and shook the older man's hand.

"You too, Alec. Has my Ellie been 'round to see you yet this afternoon?" Dave Barrett asked.

Alec shook his head. "Not today, she's busy tracking down Jim Wright."

Dave Barrett frowned. "Ah, I heard about that." He turned his attention to Liv, but the question was obviously directed to Alec. "How's our girl doing today?"

Alec's hands moved to his hips as he looked down at Oliva as well. "The doctor came by just a moment ago. Warned me again that she may wake up without her memories."

Dave looked concerned but questioningly at Alec. "And how do you feel about that, son?"

Alec looked at the older man. "I think it doesn't matter if she remembers me or not. I'll still love her and take care of her."


*Flashback – Month 4 of Alec and Liv, continued*

Alec and Ellie both thought Liv should take another night off from singing at the pub, but after an emotionally exhausting two days, she insisted that singing would help her. So, Ellie arranged for her father to watch the boys, and she and Alec made their way to the pub to watch that night.

"Ellie." Alec sipped from his pint and then continued, "I can't thank you enough for helping Liv get through this."

"Well, she was my friend before she was your girlfriend, so of course I was going to try and help as much as I could." Ellie responded.

"I know that. But still, for my part—thank you." He looked his partner in the eye, and she could see he was truly grateful.

"Well, thank you for doing your best to protect her from Jim. Here's to hoping he keeps his dirtbag self in Bridport and far away from Broadchurch." She raised her own pint and he nodded and tapped his mug against it.

Liv came in a few minutes later. She was running a little late, so as she came past their table she landed a quick kiss on Alec's cheek before pulling off her jacket and scarf, leaving them at the table with them before moving up to the stage.

Liv's Set for the night:

Brink of Destruction – Sarah McLachlan

Another Life – Ingrid Michaelson

What's It Gonna Take – Sarah McLachlan

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy – Sarah McLachlan


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