Chapter 20: First Choice

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"You look gorgeous, Liv," Alec as he smiled over at his new wife from their seat in the back of the vintage car that had been picked to drive them to their reception at Axehampton House.

The idea of a big reception had been mostly Liv's idea, of course. Alec would have been just as happy to leave the ceremony and hop in a car and head for their honeymoon. But he knew better than to expect Liv to go along with that. She was a much more social creature than he, even though she was starting to wear off on him just a wee bit. And she adored any opportunity to have live music and dancing.

"If I hadn't already been told the same by several men on this very day, I'd say you were a wee bit biased, Alec," she grinned and he smiled. Something about all the Scottish tradition they been observing on this day had her slipping into an even heavier brogue than normal, and he found it equally as gorgeous as the rest of her.

His eyebrow rose up and he smirked playfully. "Oh, other men have been commenting on your attractiveness? Please point them out to me when we arrive and I shall have a word."

She giggled, outright and without reservation. The endorphins pumping through her system were already making her feel a bit giddy, and she hadn't more than a sip of communion wine today. "Oh, now don't you go bullying wee Fred and dear Dad," she said, referring to Ellie's father, the closest thing she had to a dad.

"Ah," Alec said as he nodded slowly and continued, "I see, well, I shall let it pass then." They grinned together and chuckled before he leaned over and captured her mouth in a deep kiss. After a few moments they came up for air and he took in the view of her face for a few moments before speaking, "Is everything as you'd hoped it would be?"

"Aye, and better," she confirmed and gently squeezed his hand. "You?" she asked in return.

"Mhhmmm," he hummed in confirmation. "I haven't felt this happy since—" He thought a moment. "Since Daisy was born. Although, it seems to have been building up every day that I've been with you. Since that day I first met you."

Liv smiled and remembered that day too. She glanced out the window to see the countryside spreading out before them. She let out a small chuckle as she remembered that evening in the pub. "I don't remember you seeming particularly happy to meet me."

"Well, please do remember I had been dragged into a bar by my partner. And when she practically squealed in my ear over seeing you again, I began planning possibly escape routes. But—," he paused and smiled, recalling vividly the moment he turned and saw Liv.

"But?" she asked, wishing him to continue.

"But, when I turned and saw you—" He stopped to take a deep breath and considered his next words. "You were absolutely stunning—are absolutely stunning."

She grinned. "You were just drawn in by the sound of another Scot. But still, you didn't seem very thrilled."

"I'm rather good at hiding reactions, comes from all the years in the police," he explained.

"That, and I don't think you had smiled in quite a few years. You'd probably gotten out of practice," she said playfully.

He raised his eyebrows and nodded in agreement, allowing a smile to now cross his face. "Aye, very true. But I seem to have found plenty to smile about now." He leaned in again, getting very close and whispering, "I'm looking forward to even more to smile about."

They both looked out the windows as they felt the car slow and turn down the gravel road that would lead them to Axehampton House. Their guests were already there, as they had been held back for a few photos at the church. The wedding party, made up of the Millers and Latimer's, were only a few minutes ahead of them.

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