Chapter 18

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Three months after being released from the hospital, Liv MacDonald walked up to the church on a Sunday morning. She held onto the hand of Fred Miller, who was excited to have her back by his side. Ellie, Tom, and Dave Barrett walked behind them.

"Liv, it's wonderful to see you back with us." Paul Coates smiled at her and extended his hand.

Liv smiled back and shook his hand. "It's great to be back, Paul. Thank you so much for all you've done for me, and for Alec, over the past few months. He told me how often you were with him in the hospital."

"No thanks needed, but you are very welcome. Perhaps one day we'll see Alec coming in with you on a Sunday morning," Paul said hopefully.

"Yes well, we'll at least get him here for the wedding in a few more weeks." Liv smiled and walked on in the building as Paul continued to greet parishioners.

Ten minutes later, Paul stood in front of the congregation as they all sang a song from the hymnal together. He saw movement from the back and a smile spread across his face as he saw Alec and Daisy Hardy slipping in the door. Daisy quickly found Chloe Latimer with her family and sat beside the young girl. Alec quietly slipped into the pew next to Liv MacDonald, who stood next to Fred Miller and his mother. Both the women seemed to be just as surprised by his presence as the vicar was.

Once seated for the sermon, Fred Miller hopped up and squeezed himself between his two favorite Scots. Liv grinned down at the boy, then gave a warm smile to Alec before turning back to listen to the vicar.


After church that afternoon a group had gathered at the Miller's. Alec and Liv stood under the same tree they had stood under a year before, watching the same group playing football.

Liv grinned as she looked over at her fiancé. "You came to church," she said slowly.

"Yes, I did," he said matter-of-factly.

Her eyebrows raised as she turned to face him and she repeated herself, calmly but with a slightly playful smile on her face, "You. Came. To. Church."

He smirked and turned his attention to her as well. "I think we've established that now."

She rolled her eyes, but put her arm around his waist and stepped close to him. "You surprised me. How can you still be surprising me a year later?"

"Hmm, it has been a year, hasn't it? It was a good surprise, I hope." He smiled, enjoying their closeness and her revelation.

"A very good surprise." She was smiling, but then looked closer and her eyes suddenly showed the seriousness of her next question. "But what brought it on?" she asked quietly, then looked around at the people around them. "We can talk about it later, if you like," she added, wanting to respect her fiancé's privacy.

"Well," he said slowly, moving a bit closer for only her to hear. "We can talk more later—but the short answer is—since your hospital stay, I've been doing some reading, and some thinking—lots of thinking. I'll make no promises about what or how things might change, or if they will." He smiled gently as he looked into the piercing blue green eyes that seemed to be looking into his soul for truth. "But, let's just say—I'm taking certain things under consideration. And—I'd be willing to attend church with you. To hear what the Reverend has to say. I don't know for how long, but I'll give it a go." After a moment of quiet, Liv seemed to accept his answer happily and smiled warmly, leaning in to kiss him gently on the lips. After a moment she pulled back and he let a small smile curve at his lips. "I take it that means you're agreeable?"

"Quite agreeable." She smiled again and took one of his hands in hers. "We've always respected each other's beliefs, and I know we'll continue to do so. I promise, no pressure."

As if given divine timing, Paul Coates approached at that moment. "And how are the happy couple? Alec, it was a pleasure to see you at service today."

"Thank you Reverend," Alec said with a nod.

In a moment of quick thinking, Liv came up with an idea and spoke. "Alec has just said he thought he might be present at church the next two weeks to hear our banns read before the wedding."

"Fantastic," the Reverend responded. "I'll look forward to having you there." With that Paul smiled, nodded, and moved on to chat with Mark and Beth.

Liv was relieved that the vicar hadn't pressed further. After he had moved on, Alec raised an eyebrow at Liv, a small smile tugging at his lips. Liv quirked her face in an apologetic expression. "Sorry," she implored. "I thought it might help, since you had said you'd be coming—that maybe this way Paul wouldn't bother you with a lot of questions because there would be another reason for you to be there. After the wedding, if you decide to continue attending, you can decide what to say. You can always change your mind. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."

"No, no. It's alright. I understood what you were trying to do. It's just a bit funny, you working to explain away my church attendance to the vicar."

Liv sighed. "I guess it is a bit strange. I just—whatever this is, Alec—I want it to be in your time, in your way—no pressure from me, or anyone else. It's your journey and no one else's business."

Alec smirked. "You protecting my right to question the existence of God?"

"He should be able to handle it, right?" she questioned a bit playfully. She then got a bit more serious and frowned a bit defensively. "And I'll be here to be sure everyone else keeps their nose out."

He put his arm back around her waist. "You're cute when you're protective, you know that? Thank you for giving me time."

"I'll be honest—until today I had no idea there was time that needed to be given. I'm happy you're at least taking it under consideration."

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