Chapter 17: Recovery

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A week after coming home from the hospital, Liv was wheeled up the pavement by Alec. They stopped in front of the pub. She took a deep breath and felt Alec's hand on her shoulder, gently stroking to help calm her.

"You don't have to go any further if you're not ready," Alec whispered to her, as he knelt down by her side, watching her face closely.

"But I do. I'll never be ready if I keep running away. I need to see this place again in the light of day. For what it was before. I won't let him keep taking away my happiness. This place was a part of my happiness and I won't keep running away from it." She took another deep breath and started to wheel herself towards the entrance.

In that moment, Alec Hardy marveled at her strength and determination. There was only one other person he knew that was that strong, and it was the woman they both considered their closest friend—Ellie Miller. "Ellie's father was right," he said aloud, and she stopped in her tracks, turning in confusion.

"Right about what?" she asked as she turned the chair slightly to face him.

"You and Miller—Ellie—you two are stronger than anyone else I've ever met.' He then smirked a bit, lightening the mood. "Also, the most stubborn, but in this case it's a good trait, I s'pose."

She grinned back. "Yes and aren't you lucky—very soon you'll have one of us at home and one of us at work to always keep you out of trouble." She then motioned to the door. "Now come on, you said you'd do this with me."

He quickly was in motion and by her side. "Absolutely."

Alec pushed the door open for her and she wheeled herself through. Upon hearing the door, Jack McEwen looked up from the cash register and gasped. "Bless my soul, Olivia MacDonald!" He ran around the corner of the bar and to her, bending down to gently hug her. After a moment he stood and shook Alec's hand. "And here's the hero, Detective Inspector Hardy! It's good to see you again."

Alec shook his head. "A real hero would have stopped it from happening, Mr. McEwen, but all the same, it's good to see you again too." Alec looked around the place a moment, sizing it up. He didn't see Liv's face quickly turn to him at his statement. "You seem to have put the place back together quite well."

"We've done our best. This week was our first week back open and the support from the community has been overwhelming." Jack turned to smile down at Liv. "Everyone's hoping to see you back soon, Liv. We'd love to hear that beautiful voice of yours again."

"Hopefully soon, Jack. But I've got to take things slow." Liv smiled up at the older man.

"Aye, that she does," Alec agreed


Later that night, Alec was kneeling by the sofa helping Liv get comfortable with a group of pillows behind her back. She still had casts on both legs and her right arm. She sat so that her left arm was free to move about and reach the water glass and crisps he had brought in for her. The room was dark, except for light coming from the muted TV across the room and a lamp on her desk.

She looked back to the man as he moved to put pillows under her legs, as he had seen the nurse do numerous times before when he was there while she was cared for. The man before her seemed so different than the man she had met that night at McEwen's Pub with Ellie. Almost nine months had passed for them and falling in love had done them both a lot of good. But the statement he had made today to Jack showed he still had a tendency to blame himself for other peoples hurts. In this case, hers.

"Alec," she said quietly.

"Hmm?"" he hummed as he fluffed another pillow and placed it under her left leg. He was down on his knees by the sofa, finding it more comfortable than bending over or squatting down.

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