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Manik was stumped now.

He simply didn't knew what to say or do anymore.

So he simply kept quite as he continued to look into her eyes.

"What happened Manik Sir.."Nandini questioned. "..got shocked that how did I came to know about this.."

When Manik didn't say anything Nandini continued. "..just because you tend to hide things from me..did this thought ever occur to you that there must be someone out there who would tend to make sure that I get all my facts corrected.."

Her words finally snapped him out of his shock. "..what do you mean by that Nandini.." his mind was working double time now. "..who told you all this.."

"That's not the point Mr.Manik Malhotra.."Nandini was too adamant today to let Manik intimidate her. "..the point is that you lie.."

"..how can you possibly chose to hide such big thing from me Manik..it's my god damn life..who the hell gave you the right to take decisions regarding it..say na."

Nandini was breathing fire. "..I know that I love you more than my existence Manik..but that doesn't give you the right to take decisions about me and my life without even asking me."

"Loving someone doesn't mean that you will take away the right to make choices from that person. Love also means that you will respect that person's choice and would stand by that person's side no matter what. But I guess all you have learned is to get your own way all your life by imposing your own wish on other people.."

"As long as we are in our workplace you can treat me like any other employee. I will listen to all your threats and will also quietly hear all the accusations that you will hurled on me..if I am wrong.."

"..but in case where I am not wrong that just like other you would simply bully me or humiliate me for your own personal fun.."


"..in situation like this where you would simply take decisions about my life even without asking me and would interfere in my personal space without my permission.."

"..then mark my words Mr.Manik Malhotra..I will break each and every bone of your body with my own not so fragile hands.."

"..do you get it.."

Nandini warned him. "If you want to be in a relationship like this..you better get out of your superiority complex..and start trusting me equally."

"..You might be the one who started this relationship but from now on nothing in this relationship will go further as per your own wish.."

"..because from now on I will be equally involved in every single decision of our relationship till the last breath of our lives.."

"I have already given you enough time..and had been extremely patient with you..but don't take my love for you as my weakness because you have no idea how strong am I..and I will start displaying my power by simply hospitalising you for next 6 months.."

"..so you better not forget this.."

Today was simply not his day because one after the other her words were sending shockwaves down his existence.

"I have already agreed to move in with you..but that doesn't mean that I can't change my mind.."

"I will move in only when you will prove that you trust me as well.."

"..for that you need to start fessing up Mr.Manik Malhotra.."

"..and yes..don't even think about getting my family involved into all this..especially by bribing Chachi..because this time it's simply not going to work.."

"..you have win my love Mr.Manik Malhotra.."

"..it's high time you will my trust and loyalty as well.."

"..because without that this relationship won't be going anywhere.."

Nandini gave him one last stern look. " I know you are scared Manik..because you think you might end up loosing me if you tell me the truth of your past.."

"..but let me tell you something that by sharing your deepest and scariest nightmares with me you are guaranteeing yourself my support and love for the rest of your life.."

"..however by hiding it you are simply guaranteeing the end of us.."

"..because by not sharing you are creating gaps in our relationship that will eventually lead to the downfall of our relationship because sooner or later something or someone would come between us and would tear us apart by widening those gaps between us.."

"Your silence and your stubbornness is already killing me..so it's better that I should not give my hopes up till you actually consider the thought of trusting me..till then let's keep our relationship just as it was supposed to be "strictly professional" from the very beginning..so that it would be easy for both of us.."

Manik's face paled as he continued to listen to those words that were not less than poison for him..

..but unfortunately he wasn't in a position to say anything as he knew that like all the other time..

..Nandini was indeed correct this time as well.

Her anger was truly justified that's why he simply chose to kept quiet as he didn't knew what to do at that particular point.

She was disappointed beyond measure when he didn't say anything but she chose not to show it on her face so she chose to put up a facade to get away from him before she would end up breaking in front of him. So pointing towards the file she spoke "..like I said before..read the file carefully before signing it..I am going to have lunch with my friends..I will sent these signed documents once I get back.."

..and without another word Nandini simply stormed out of the room leaving a miserable Manik behind who was on the verge of drowning in the ocean of guilt and pain...

..as his panacea had left his side..

..at least for now.


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