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"..but what was the need of all this.." Manik whispered as he finally broke the kiss and took Nandini into his embrace. "..do you have any idea how scared I was.."

Without breaking the hug she replied as she held him closer "..I didn't wanted to spend the rest of our lives like this Manik. I didn't wanted our future to get scarred by the ashes of fear anymore. And for that taking this step was an absolutely necessity."

"..but Nandini.."before Manik could say anything Nandini broke the hug only to look at him with peaceful eyes "..look at her Manik..we did it.." they both turned to look at Sakshita who was now under cops custody and since she was shot in her leg she was writhing in pain. "..we got rid of her..forever.."

Sakshita was dumbfounded as to what had actually happened with her. Just few moments ago she was on the verge of her final victory. But now she is trapped and the worst part now there is nothing in that world that can save her as she herself had admitted her crime in front of them. But still she went ahead and even in that state dared to ask the question that she shouldn't have. "..how..did you.."

Nandini smirked as she begin to walk toward her holding Manik's hand "..why..are you surprised that unlike Manik's other girlfriend I am not that dumb. I would have let you live freely Sakshita had you not gone after my family..but you did the biggest mistake by returning in Manik's life an tried to scar him even more."

Something in Nandini's eyes changed. For the very first time in her life Sakshita was scared of someone who wasn't Manik as she realise that the emotion in Nandini's eyes were nothing but pure and uttered hatred for her. Nandini was disgusted by her. However the thought only scared Sakshita as she realised that unlike Manik Nandini isn't going to let her off the hook like ever.

And just like she expected Nandini dropped her act and ended up slapping her right across her face "..this was for breaking Manik's trust.."

She slapped Sakshita again "..this was for murdering an innocent soul that wasn't to be blamed for your lascivious act and for becoming the biggest blot in the name of a mother.."

Slapping her again Nandini continued "..this is for scarring Manik.."

And slapping her one four time in a row Nandini reminded "..and this was for trying to harm my family.."

Sakshita was on the verge of loosing consciousness but somehow she couldn't take her eyes off Nandini who glared at her with venom filled eyes "..you should be thankful to god that these people are around to protect you or else I wouldn't have hesitated in murdering you with my bare hands today. But mark my words Ms.Sakshita if ever again you even thought of coming anywhere near Manik and me or anyone I love..then I swear I won't even think twice to kill you myself. I am not kind like Manik and trust me when I say this you will meet your doom in the most painful way possible..as I will make sure of it. Just remember this and from now pray that we don't ever cross path with each other ever again in our lives..or else that day will mark your end Miss.Sakshita.."

Sakshita was trembling in fear as she realised that Nandini meant each and every word that she just uttered. She wasn't in a position to understand as to what exactly happened that changed Nandini so much in such short span of time. However unfortunately for her she was never going to get the answer for that..

..as Nandini made such meticulous arrangements because of which she will now be spending her entire life behind the bars.

Looking at the cops Nandini commanded "...take her away and make sure she rot either in a mental asylum or behind the bars for the rest of her life. You guys have enough charges and evidences against her to get her locked up for the rest of her entire existence..don't you.."

"Don't worry Miss.Murthy..she won't see daylight out of jail anymore. We will take care of her. She had created enough mess and we will make sure that she gets punished for her vicious acts.." the officer replied.

"Good..now take her away..as I am about to puke..seeing her face.."Nandini and Manik both looked away as the cops took Sakshita away.

She turned to look at Aryaman who was giving instructions to his team "..Aryaman how is Dhruv..is he okay.."

"He is absolutely fine Mam. I just had a talk with his doctor who assured me that Dhruv wasn't severely injured and do not have any internal injury. He will be fine in couple of days and will be discharge from the hospital soon."Aryaman replied.

"Dhruv's medical bill and all the other expenses will be bore by Malhotra Industries. And not only that he will be given paid leaves so tell him not to worry and recuperate properly. He will be reinstated once he had fully recovered."Manik commanded.

"Sure Sir.."Aryaman looked at Nandini "..your plan worked Mam..Congratulations.." his words made Nandini smile and Manik frown.

"You did a great job too Aryaman." saying this Nandini took the mike that was inside her ears which was a gps tracker too. "..you can have it back..I don't need it anymore.."

"Sure mam.."Aryaman smiled as he took back the tracker "..anything else Mam.."

"No..right now I just want to go home..where Manik will take me..you can go and deal with the cops and take care of Dhruv's situation.."
Nandini gave him the pass that Aryaman was looking for as at the moment he knew Manik was thinking every possible way to kill Aryaman for even listening to Nandini's dangerous plan.

So taking the cue he simply left the room leaving Manik and Nandini alone in the room.

"What you did was extremely brave Nandini but of course it was paired with sheer stupidity as well. What was the need for all this. What if something would have happened to you, what if.." before he could finish Nandini silenced him by placing her lips against her.

Though it almost instantly calmed him down but even Nandini knew Manik was too raged out to forgive her that's why she chose to tell him the very and most important reason for taking such dangerous step "..Manik before you say anything..just hear me out first..because their is something you need to know.."

"Now what.."Manik was annoyed now. "More secrets.."

"No.."she shook her head "..No more secrets..not anymore."

"Tell me then.."Manik urged to which she replied "..I will..but not here.."

"..then where.." Manik was confused now as Nandini replied "..before I tell you everything we need to go somewhere Manik.."


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