Three Years Later...

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Dear Diary,

They say love is blind.

I disagree.

Infatuation is blind, love is all-seeing and accepting.

Love is seeing all the flaws and blemishes and accepting them.

Love is accepting the bad habits and mannerisms, and working around them.

Love is recognising all the fear and insecurities, and knowing your role is to comfort.

Love is working through all challenges and painful times.

Infatuation is fragile and will shatter when life is not perfect.

Love is strong and it strengthens because it is real.

Just like mine and Manik's.

MaNan... Manik loves to call us.

Who would have thought that in just a span of time my whole life would take a u-turn.

Manik.. boss..

..would end up becoming the love of my existence.

Well to be honest..

..he was everything that I could think of pretty much the time that I met him officially..

..of course not knowing it then that he had already begun to change my life much before than I could have probably realised.

Of course I should have realised that pretty much the time I went to work for him..

..the special things that he used to do for me..

..I wasn't a fool to realise that he was different with me than he was with every one else..

...but I didn't pay any heeds to it because I didn't wanted to live in any bubble of misconceptions that would burst any moment leaving me and my heart broken forever.

However I failed to realise one thing..

..that no matter what happens destiny always bring two people together who are meant to be with each other..

..just like Manik and me.

I won't lie I used to love all the attention and Manik's indifference attitude towards me but still I asked him several times to treat me normally like his other employees..

..but of course Manik Malhotra doesn't do anything normal..

..let alone listening to me for once.

After all

..he is THE MONSTER.

But he is my Monster...

..and I realised it the day when I came to know about Manik's involvements in Harshad's kidnapping...

..though I was shocked for hours..

..but I wasn't angry at Manik..

..I didn't felt betrayed..


...I felt safe for the very first time.

But apparently that feeling wasn't enough.. I needed answers.. that's why I locked myself on the other side of Manik's private cabin which of course Manik and his crew forgot to check when they were looking for me.

Because just like I expected they didn't check the place where they could find me easily..

..and when they couldn't find me..

..Manik grew restless..

..and he ended up giving me all the answers that I have been looking for.

But even after hearing the truth I didn't feel outraged that he hid all those things from me..

..that he literally invade my privacy by stalking me left and right.

I know I shouldn't have forgiven him.... fact I should have walked out off his life.

But I couldn't..

..because for the first time I saw how vulnerable Manik was.. lonely he was.. scared he was.

..which scared me in return... I realised that it wasn't in my power anymore to walk out on him..


I was wretchedly..irrecoverably and unconditionally in love with him as well.

Honestly it wasn't in my power any more to walk away from him.. I did what I had to survive.. be happy..

..I chose..


We have come a long way since then..

..though things did changed between US that night..forever..

..but I knew that pretty much the morning following after our real story will begin...

..and I also knew that loving my Monster won't be easy..

...but that night looking at his peaceful face right next to while he continued to held me close in his peaceful slumber where our naked bodies were entangled with each other like wires which were just impossible to be separated..


...I realised that indeed I was HOME.

And no matter what happens I would always come back to him...

..just like he would always come back to me..

..because we were destined to be together.

And now I know for sure that even then I was correct as because we were always meant to be.

We became proud parents of our son "Aarav" and our daughter "Nyasa" who is only weeks away to complete our small yet content family.

It hadn't been an easy ride..

...but we survived..

..and we will continue to do so..

..because our love will fight against all the odds..

..just like it always had..

...just like it always will..

..because Manik and Nandini are meant and destined to be together..



Nandini Manik Malhotra.


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