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AUTHOR: From now on all the chapters will have a meme at the end. I hope you will like them.

Sorry in advance for the poor quality memes and for the grammar mistakes.



The tension was high, the females reunited to win over the male panther were looking with envy and hatred to the lilac haired female cub who was hindering them in their male hunting.

The two of them haven't mated yet, but the adult females knew that even if the feelings were not reciprocated, a male was very loyal: he would choose to become a guardian beast to be near his beloved.

Had it been a normal male, the group of females would have given up at this point; but he wasn't.

He was a strong male, a tri striped one, probably the most handsome one and, above all, he was the next patriarch of a tribe famed for its economic power and the proverbial strength of its warriors.

This was an opportunity not to be missed, they couldn't let him go.

Right now the only option was to force him, by deception or ... threatening his beloved one's life.

The vicious thoughts were interrupted by the entrance of an unexpected guest:

a ginger haired eagle female with beautiful amber eyes, Ayla, the eldest female of all beast city and a leading figure there.

She outlived most of the city's kings, but despite her ripe old age, she looked not older than 40.

During her youth she participated and helped (making a great contribution) in the elaboration of peace agreements between the tribes and the "construction" of the city.

And last, but not the least, she was one of the very few female shifters in the Beast World.

(Author: unlike the novel, in the beast world females can shift, it's only extremely difficult for them.

To shift some conditions must be met: be the cub of a 4 striped male, severe stress and be in a life or death situation;

when these conditions are met the female can shift, but their body must be very healthy/trained to survive the shift.)

She was an elder. All respected and praised her, most also feared her, and hardly anyone went against her wishes.

(Author: A for Ayla)

A:"Don't even try to do what you thought"

She firmly said, exuding a powerful and authoritative aura.

A: "That cub used her wit to fool all of you; her beauty and personality did the rest enchanting your chosen prize of this season."

Ayla paused briefly while glaring the other females

A:"The male hunting is a battle in which everyone uses their own means to get what they want, without harming others.

She hasn't done anything wrong; you are the ones to blame for your own defeat. And you should also be ashamed if you're so incompetent to think the only way to get what you want is doing something shady."

Her glare became an icy cold stare

A:" Now go. Reflect on your actions and try to improve yourself and your seduction moves, so that in the future you don't get beaten by a cub again. "

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