The King's worry

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Author: For anyone wondering Bart, Shu and Yuma are not present in these chapters as they are out of Beast City to train and earn more stripes to be stronger and better protect Rosa when they will be her males.
They will only come back after a few months.


(Author: E stands for Ezra, R for Rosa, W for Winston, )

E: "Where is she??!"

Shouted Ezra, the tiger King, bursting into the doctor's den.

His expression was hard and worry was evident in his voice.

His arrival shocked everyone present: they knew that the king was busy in an important meeting with the rest of the kings/chiefs and would return very late, so they didn't expect him to arrive almost instantly.

Ezra scanned the room and when his eyes rested on Rosa his expression softened, making the worry stand out even more.

E: "Oh, Rosa. My sweet cub, let me see"

The king gently took her face in his hands and carefully observed the wound: it was so large and deep that covered the entire left cheek, from the ear to the nose. Even if it healed, it would certainly leave a scar.

E: "My Little cub, what they have done to you?"

Later he noticed that the cut had not yet been treated in any way although it had been a long time since the accident and the blood had now formed a crust.

So Ezra immediately shifted his attention to Harvey and glared fiercely at him but when he saw that the doctor was attending to Saika whose condition was more serious, he looked away.

After that, his gaze fell upon the other two beastmen, the hawk and the tiger, and anger swelled through him.


Anger got the best of him and he released a dangerous and heavy aura.

He was so angry that the veins were swollen and visible on his forehead.

The two males had their ears flat on their heads, in submission and shame.


Rosa called his attention.
She, like the others in that place, nearly suffocated under the pressure of the emanating aura.

The King took a deep breath, trying to regain control and then looked at his daughter with an apologetic expression.

E: "Sorry Rosa. Sorry everyone, it wasn't my intention to do it. Take this, my cub, you need it."

Ezra handed a ruby ​​to her then pointed to an unknown beastman behind him.

E: "And I brought a royal doctor too. The ape king sent him after hearing about the accident, he's (the doctor) the best in Beast City. He will make sure your wounds heal properly. See you later, my lovely flower"

He gave a soft kiss on his daughter's head; he turned and walked towards the door, but before he left, without even turning around, he ice coldly said:

"You two. Come with me."

And with that he left without another word.

The two beastman hesitated for a few seconds and then followed him out.


R: "Ahh!"

"Sorry Tiger princess, but your wounds need to be cleaned before you can take the red crystal. Just a little more, then I'll be done." said the ape doctor

Rosa nodded to keep it going and tried to stop herself from hissing in pain.

All this was accompanied by continuous painful moans and background cries coming from Saika that made everyone's heart ache.

The poor soul was suffering so much but no one could do anything about it: all the purple crystal fragments had to be extracted, even the smallest ones, otherwise they could cause serious infections and cause even death (since antibiotics did not exist in the Beast world) .

After what seemed like hours, the leopard doctor finally extracted the last fragment from Saika, but unfortunately that was a small consolation: the extracted pieces had left a lot of furrows and wounds in the poor female's skin that would have taken months to heal completely, leaving horrible scars that would have completely devastated her appearance.

Rosa looked at her friend, at how pitiful she was and how much she had suffered to then look at the ruby ​​in her hand and made up her mind: She couldn't leave Saika like that.

So she took a little rock from outside Harvey's den and crushed the ruby.

Everyone else gasped in shock.


H: "Princess!"

Ape doctor:"Tiger princess, what have you done!?"

Saika: "Dumb, are you truly dumb?" asked weakly the blond-haired female.

R:" Bring me some bowls with some water. Now."
Ordered the tiger female impatiently to the two doctors.

She divided the ruby ​​grains into two unequal portions, and dissolved each in a different bowl.

She took the one with the smallest amount of ruby ​​and, with the help of the ape doctor, had it poured slowly into the wound on her face.

Her hope was that by doing so the small amount of ruby ​​would concentrate on healing the cut on her face (healing it completely), without dispersing throughout her body.

Rosa hoped it would work but if things went wrong she would be left with a scarred face for life.

The largest amount of red crystal was given to Saika, who needed it the most.

After several minutes the healing process was finally over: Saika's face had completely regained color; her legs and arm had healed completely and so well that no one would have said that until recently they were full of bloody cuts.

While Rosa's cut on her face had healed completely but the bad bruise on the other half of her face, although it had cleared up a lot, was still there.

Luckily it would disappear on its own within a few days.

S:"Dumb, thank you! You're not so dumb after all!"

Kiki was so happy that her friends were fine that wrapped them both in a hug while crying with relief.

S: "Why are you crying now!?"

Even Rosa shed a tear of relief.


Saika's antics made Rosa utter a little laugh.

She was fine. Her friends were fine. Everything was fine, finally.


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