Zira's true plan

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Zira exited the hut and walked away quickly.

Only when she came within adequate distance not to be heard did she utter an evil laugh which left a twisted smile on her face.

Everything was going according to her plan and she was so pleased with it, so proud of herself: once again her desire for pain and misery would be satisfied and this time she would do it in BIG style, literally.

In fact, no one knew, expect a couple of her poor males, but that time the plan was much bigger than the other times:

The apparent plan was to exploit the bonfire, when everyone was gathered in the plaza and the amount of guards to protect beast city was very small, and to open some secret passages scattered around the city (task assigned to Yui and her males) to let in some of her friends to kidnap and make Rosa disappear forever before the princess arrived in the square.

The true plan was slight different, but much more exciting: it always consisted of exploiting the confusion of the hot season campfire, in fact on these occasions things that would normally be seen as suspicious, are not noticed at all; in this type of event the Queens observed and chose the best prey to be offered to the young females.

(Author: It might sound nosense but it's simply a custom)

The leopard Queen will take advantage of these moments to sprinkle the meat with moonblood (after all, the Queens had to observe and touch, "test" the meat to judge if it is "worthy" to be offered as a courting gift);

The red powder will begin to evaporate making the males less and less attentive and dulling their senses more and more without them realizing it;

Thanks to this Yui and her males (already arrived in the places where the secret passages are located, thanks to the Bürel they wear around their necks) will be able to act undisturbed, letting in thousands of rogue beastmen and scorpions, who will be immune to the effects of the red powder having taken the antidote.

(Author:  Moonblood is a completely ODORLESS red powder obtained from the seeds of Kirun, a rare poisonous plant mixed with dried blood of colossus.

The powder obtained if left in the air evaporates very quickly making those who smell it more and more unresponsive, slowly inhibiting all his senses and making it increasingly difficult for him to think.

When burned, the moonblood releases an even more powerful purple smoke that spreads for miles very quickly, capable of instantly sending even a large colossus into a coma without problems.

Females are immune to the smell of the powder, but if they eat it they die, as the poison is very strong.

Males, on the other hand, if they continue to breathe the powder, go into a deep coma.

The weakest beastmen, the cubs or the ones without stripes die after a while.

The one and two striped ones die if they are not given the antidote within a few hours; only the trimarked and tetra marked beastmen after hours of exposure begin to become immune and awaken on their own, but will still be very weak when awakened.

The moonblood has, for obvious reasons, been banned from Beast City and all other villages for so long that many are unaware of its existence. Moonblood powder is illegally produced, used, and distributed by the City of Flames.)

These rogue beastmen and ferals will not only kidnap many, if not all of the females of Beast City, but will kill as many males as possible, destroying the City.

By destroying the city, no family will take their female there anymore, not considering it safe, preferring other tribes far away from it, where it will be even easier to kidnap the females.

This part of the plan was designed by Zira to strengthen her alliance with the City of Flames.

In fact, not only did they need more females, but the scorpion King also needed a beautiful female for some sort of experiment... and who better than the Tiger princess for this role?

Zira licked her lips thinking to the scorpion male, so sexy, strong and vicious, she would have done anything to make him submit and beg her... but she wasn't stupid.

She knew he was truly dangerous and unpredictable and playing with him would cost her life.

Also, he was a feral...

Ferals are too unpredictable, impulsive... and above all, they cannot be manipulated, they manipulate others.

Despite all of this, the panther will be immune to raids, thanks not only to the bag she will wear around her neck but also because she will admire all that destruction from afar.

Her hands trembled with excitement at witnessing all the chaos that she would ensue tonight.

Of course she hadn't informed Yui of the real plan, only a stupid would have done it, because, even if Yui had accepted as dumb as she is, probably her males wouldn't have done it, or worse that spoiled wide-mouthed brat would have blurted it out at everyone without even realizing it.


In the Tiger Royal family's den, two beautiful females were preparing for the impending event:

Edith, in particular, was dressing up more than usual; this was because, since her daughter was almost an adult, the time had finally come for the Tiger Queen to extend the family again.

Edith waited years to do it, despite her number of males was under the average number.

( Author: Remember the average number of males in Beast City is 15, Edith has 10 males)

She did it for her daughter's wellbeing; in fact introducing new males in the family can lead to tensions and clashes between beastmen that can go on for weeks or more, to establish the new hierarchy, and having a young female cub at home in this situation isn't the best.

Rosa, on the other hand, wasn't as
excited as her mother.

Don't get her wrong, she was truly happy for her mother, but... she had a bad feeling about that evening.

She didn't know why but something within her was screaming, even begging her not to go; she felt some sort of urgency to escape from her hut, to escape from the city..., but Rosa dismissed it.

After all, what could have happened on the most awaited evening of the season in front of all those people?

She didn't know it but that was going to be something she would regret very soon.


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I could not wait to show it to you!!
I hope you liked it.
Maybe I have exaggerated a little (-ω-;) ...but I truly wanted to show how twisted Zira is.

Some twists and turns in the plan will be showed later.

I hope you will like the drama and the punishments!

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