Bonfire Kubiro

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The next day Saika, Kiki and Rosa went to the "Bonfire Kubiro" to shop for clothes and accessories for the campfire, like all the young females of beast city.

(Author: The Bonfire Kubiro is the hot season market held the week before the campfire, where the merchants of all the tribes who have come to Beast City display their 'exclusive' products and sell them. It represents not only a place of economic exchange and cultural, but also a meeting point where single males and females can observe, study and try to capture the attention of the opposite sex.)

In fact the shopping matter was just an excuse to go out, show off your looks and attitude and get noticed by the numerous male singles, bewitching them.

The earned suitors will then be carefully observed and studied by the females to understand their strength, temperament, and especially if the newcomers would get along with the rest of the family; the strength of a family and the harmony in the latter were fundamental things for the protection and survival of the female and the cubs.

This time, even if Saika and Rosa were too young to participate at the campifire, they accompanied Kiki to the market to assure her some good males;

in fact the timid young female although she had numerous and precious qualities such as to make her a true gem in the city , she was too shy for her own good, she didn't like the attention on herself and in this kind of situations she was always hiding somewhere.

Worried about her condition, Rosa and Saika dragged their friend there for her sake; in fact every year the competition for the best males was fierce; the older females having experience, were at an advantage, often leaving the younger ones with the leftovers.

This, combined with Kiki's shy temperament, made the latter's circumstance precarious, making the intervention of her friends necessary.

The trio arrived at the Bonfire Kubiro followed at a distance by Winston.

The guardian beast with the heavy pressure that he emanated and his emotionless facade, intimidated anyone and therefore, although the presence of a strong male distanced the weak ones helping in the selection, the poor Wiston was forced to move away a few meters because it made Rosa's friends uncomfortable .

Rosa looked around and noticed, to her displeasure, that the males all looked to some fox females who were acting conquettish and showing off their beauty.

She absolutely nedded to steal the spotlight and put their attention on Kiki.

The situation is not good at all.
What can I do?
Kiki hates being the center of attention and would never try to flaunt her-



Showing off your looks is certainly easier than showing off your inner qualities,... this is because you're often alone, that's why it's the most used technique.

With someone's support, on the other hand, it's easy to show your attitude and personality. And if there's something males want even more than a beautiful female, it's a kind female who wouldn't treat them bad.

This is precisely why Qingqing was so popular in the story. This world is full of beauties but it lacks of kindness, love and respect for males,... and Kiki has the kindest soul of all Beast City.

And with this idea in mind, Rosa made up her mind and began to implement her plan.



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