The King's rage

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The three males made their way to the Tiger King's castle.

During the journey, not a single word was said, the tension was palpable and increased with each step.

The king's intention was to get as far away as possible from the doctor's den, in a closed place where he could scold and punish the two younger beastmen, using the walk to let off some anger because he was aware that if he had scolded them in that moment, most likely he would have mutilated or killed them and he didn't want to hurt his brother or the heir of the hawk clan (thus exacerbating relations with the latter);
so he chose his castle which is very distant from the others.


Arrived at the castle, the king dismissed the guards, in order to have a certain "privacy" in this "talk" and went directly to the throne room.

When the doors of the room closed, Ezra stood with his back for a few seconds and then turned around and addressed the two males:

"Today a big accident happened and three females got hurt. You tried to protect them but failed..."

His gaze hardened

"You TWO failed to protect three young females when even just one of you, for how big he is, is able to cover at least two young females.

How could you fail?

A male priority, task is to protect the safety of the females.

You have failed and you should be ashamed of yourself."

His gaze fell on Miur

E: "You. Your tribe this year had to take care of the control of the goods entering Beast city ... So tell me, why on that stand there was a fucking. Purple. Crystal. WHICH IS BANNED FROM THE CITY BECAUSE TOO DANGEROUS ?! HOW DID IT GET THERE? HOW!?”

He paused and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

E: "A dangerous item entered Beast city due to your carelessness. The females injured today, including the tiger princess, could have also died if the fragments had hit vital parts.

How do you intend to justify yourself?"

M:"Not in any way, Tiger King. My tribe is indeed at fault."

Ezra's gaze became ice cold

E: "You and your tribe have disappointed me, you have disappointed and betrayed the trust of all the rulers of Beast City, and endangered the dozens and dozens of females in the city.

So, tell your father that the council will take strict actions and any member of the hawk tribe is banned from the tiger territory.

Now, you can go. "

Miur's eyes widened when he heard this.
It couldn't be true, he couldn't do this to him.

Had he been truly banished he would never have been able to meet the female that he wanted to court, the Tiger princess.

M:"But Tiger King-"

E:"I said: You. Can. Go."

The hawk beastman hesitated for a few seconds but realizing that protesting at that moment would only aggravate his situation, he bowed his head and dismissed himself.

M:"Yes, Tiger King."

And with that the male came out with troubled emotions.

Only Ezra and Winston were left in the hall.

The silence was heavy and the tension was sky high.

E: "You...
I needed someone to protect Rosa during this chaotic time; a male tha wouldn't have tried to take advantage of her; a serious one; someone I could trust without problems... and you immediately came to my mind.

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