Puppy love (Part 2)

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Yui got very angry, pushed Rosa to the ground and said with a threatening tone :

" Do you really think you can win against me?! YOU?!

A cub who can't even walk and talk well? Don't make me laugh.

Go away before I beat you so much that you will be unrecognizable even to your mother, then who will want a female like that anymore?"

Xu Ming (Rosa) was indifferent to this threat.

In her previous life, having entered the world of adults very early with no one to rely on, she faced worse things, so much that what this little cub said to her almost made her laugh.

Rosa stood up and with a look as cold as ice that sent chills down your spine and a mocking tone said:

"You think so? Let me see."

Yui was shocked by the aura that the cub gave off.

She thought that she (Yui) would be able to scare her (Rosa), getting the males she wanted (and with them the future title of Queen) and at the same time she would ridicule that dumb thing that had tried to hinder her.

Two birds with one stone.

Instead the situation had reversed, now she was the one to be scared.

"Y-you! S-stop i-t" Yui stammered.

"What? Scared?" said Rosa with a smirk and a mocking tone.

Seeing no way out, Yu did what she did best: cry.

"That's not all! I swear I'll make you pay!" Yui yelled crying before running to her mother.

After Yui walked away, Rosa breathed a sigh of relief.

It's true that the threats didn't frighten her, but that doesn't mean that she wanted to fight.

Her body was too small and frail for that at the moment and she wouldn't have had a chance.

She turned her attention to the two wolf cubs, Rosa gave them a sweet smile:

"Sorry. You can go now" she told them in a gentle tone.

The two males were shocked.

Was she letting them go?


Didn't she want power too?

Wasn't she interested in the future title of queen?

So she had stepped in earlier just to protect them?


Why be so kind to them?

They were touched by that kindness and a feeling bloomed in their hearts.

They didn't believe a female like this could exist.

Yet there she is and they had managed to find her.

And now she wanted to get rid of them?

No way!

They were hers now.

They just have to convince her.

The two cubs bowed their head slightly (as a greeting) and walked back near their campfire with a plan in mind.

Edith went up to her daughter and with a proud smile said:

"You did good cub, I'm so proud of you. Your first win in a matchup, we have to celebrate! " And with that the two returned to the rest of the family.

After a few hours, the family gathered around the fire.

They talked and joked in a relaxed manner while waiting for any suitors of Edith who would come to 'propose' to her.

In fact even if Edith already had 10 males, they were few compared to the average of at least 15 males, but only because she was very selective:

only the strongest and those with the right character to get along with the rest of the family were chosen .

Suddenly two wolf cubs approached the family, with chunks of meat in their mouths.

The only problem was that the two cubs didn't look at Edith, but at Rosa with a hopeful look.

When Rosa saw there she became surprised.

What? Me?

Did they come for me?

Maybe they didn't understand that my intent was only to save them?

Oh god, sure they figured it out!

But now what?

Bart was originally my hubby so it's okay, but shuu...

I wanted a different ending for him. Can I take care of him and love him as he deserves?

Can I protect him from dumb-Bai's clutches?

Can I stop him from falling in love with her and sacrificing himself for her?

I don't know, and that scares me a little.

He deserved to be happy, can I give him the happiness he deserves?

Looking at his hopeful gaze, I convince myself that yes, I can do it, I can love him and take care of him so well that even if Bai stands in front of him he won't even look at her.

After Rosa made up her mind she looked at her mother nodding her head.
Edith understood her daughter's decision and said :"if you are happy with this, we are happy"

Rosa looked at the boys and smiled sweetly :"Welcome to the family".

The two puppies became excited and unconsciously started wagging their tails. They were so happy to have succeeded in their endeavor, becoming the first mates of the most beautiful and kind female. They took their seats next to her, cuddling with her, despite the warning growls of her Dads (all the males of the family).

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