Family love

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After the market trip, Edith and her two males returned home. Opening the door they find themselves faced with the funny scene of the three excited howling puppies and a confused Rosa who looked at them as if they were crazy. The three adults laughed a little at this scene...okay, they laughed a lot, it was simply too funny! The laughter attracted the attention of their cubs and Rosa exploited the moment of distraction of her brothers to extend her arms towards the adults and let herself be picked up to escape.

Edith with smiling eyes picked up her delicate daughter. She loved her daughter and being a female cub, she also paid attentions to her that she could not devote to her sons. In fact, male cubs had to learn from an early age to be strong and independent, they were treated harshly because too much affection would have softened them and made them weak, thus putting their lives at risk.
Edith smiled sweetly at her daughter,  stroked her soft rosy cheek and said "My lovely Rosa, look what we got" showing the furs they had bought.

Rosa touched them and was amazed at how soft they were. Among all, what struck her the most was the snow white fur, simply wonderful and soft as a cloud.

The Tiger Queen noticed her daughter's preference for the white one and told her  in a sweetly voice with a proud smile: "Do you like it? It's gorgeous, isn't it? It's the fur of a snow fox, it's very rare. We will make matching clothes with it for you special day. Clothes worth of a Queen and a princess. We'll be majestic."

Rosa felt her heart warming up. A feeling blossomed again in her, a feeling she thought she had forgotten, has returned: the feeling of a mother's love. In her previous life, after the accident that took her parents' life, she missed this sensation a lot. She always looked enviously at her peers who had what she wanted but they didn't appreciate it. And now, finally, she can have someone she can count on, someone who will take care of her and who will give her all the love that lacked in her previous life. After thinking this, Xu Ming (Rosa) with tearful eyes realized that, even though she was reborn in a novel where she's supposed to die in a pitiful manner, this new life was a blessing and she must cherish it dearly.

Edith noticed the tears in her daughter's eyes and said worried: "My sweet cub, why are you crying? Did something happen? Are you not feeling well?". After saying these words, immediately the whole family came close to Rosa, trying to soothe her.

'Yes, this is definitely a blessing' Xu Ming thought.

That evening they told Rosa all the things she needs to know, not only for this event but also to behave with others, especially the males. In fact, the Announcement day, even if it is a day of celebration of new life, for single males is an opportunity to find a female who welcomes them into their family. If a female, adult female or cub, is interested in a male, she will talk to him and invite him into her den to eat together. If a male wants to court a female, he will hand her gifts and if they are accepted then the courting will begin. Never touch a male cub, because it means being interested in taking him as a husband.

Rosa was a little bit shocked after hearing all of this (especially the last one), but recovered quickly. In fact, this is another world, now her world, so it's natural that customs are different and she must be the one to adapt and try to not to make mistakes. (Unlike the Mc, that dumb girl, who did everything but fit in)

That night the little cub fell asleep hoping not to combine disasters at the event and with the hope of meeting some character of the novel.

Author: Heyy guys! How are you? I hope that you like my story<3

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