Tea For A Tot

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A sweet drabble I decided to write for no reason. This isn't detailed or good quality, I just needed to get something out.

(There's side Logicality, only mentioned once)

Summary: Virgil enjoys a movie night with his caregivers in secret.

TW's: None I can think of, LMK if I need to add any!


Today was like any other, boring and monotonous. There was only one thing he was looking forward to.

Waking up went as usual, Virgil opening his eyes around two in the afternoon and grumbling how he didn't get enough sleep. It wasn't an exaggeration, to a point, he never felt truly rested no matter how long he napped. Perhaps that fuelled his morning irritability, or the lack of caffeine.

Scouring for his headphones, he slipped them on and made his way down the wide winder stairs. It was Roman's doing, of course, excessively grandeur and over-the-top, just like the Prince himself. Patton would be ecstatic to have slides with twists and turns to get around, maybe even have a duel-slide that can fit two people. After all, Virgil had noticed a certain... longing from both Patton and Logan to each other, dazedly staring for as long as they could get away for.

As sickeningly sweet as that is, he was more exasperated at this point. How could they be so oblivious to their mutual pining. Well, he could understand Logan's ignorance; emotions were frankly a new concept to him, he probably hadn't noticed how bad he's got it for the puffball.

Passing through the Common Room, the other Sides had noticed the universal 'please leave me alone' once they saw his headphones and merely nodded at him. Some days when his anxiety gets the better of him, any slight thing could overwhelm him in an instance. The Light Sides understood and agreed to only interact with him if he was the one to initiate the contact.

A migraine was throbbing against his skull, which meant there was silence throughout the speakers. It was a Saturday, meaning it was film night in the Subconsciousness. Even though he'd moved in to the Light Side, he visited at least once weekly. Just because he craved attention from their host didn't mean he had to abandon his friends completely.

Nobody was allowed to know he still sneaked over there, in fear of negative reactions. Things were simple like this, and it eased his mind to recognise there were no harsh feelings between him and his caregivers. Honestly, it was as if he never left.

The rest of the day was an excited flurry, until he tip-toed down the dark hallway to a familiar door. Smiling faces greeted him as he strewed himself across Remus and Janus' laps, keening at the adoring coos from them both. The gore-filled film they originally planned to watch was replaced with a dollar store romcom to make them cringe at the clichés.

Their night was filled to the brim with snickering and teases, an overall good time for everybody. Virgil missed the fond look his caretakers shared as he tried to hog the popcorn, a habit even adult Virgil couldn't shake. In the end, he had a mouth stuffed with it and puffed out cheeks as he giggled as best he could. The romcom ended, and the little got comfortable cuddling between the two as he yawned and rubbed his eye blearily.

"Psst, teeny terroriser, you want your special tea?" Remus offered, which was truthfully SleepyTime Tea with a slip of sugar and honey, warmed to perfection. At the eager nodding, a sippy cup was filled with the desired drink. (Virgil wasn't much younger than seven, but it gave him peace of mind to know he can't spill his drink).

If Virgil didn't reappear on the lighter side of the Mindscape until the middle of the day, nobody mentioned it.

(Janus' new wallpaper was a picture of Remus and Virgil snuggling together in their sleep).



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