Chapter 2 - Fek

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I rise from the depths, enjoying the murky water until I leave the cloud of sand near the lake floor. The sun streaks through the water, creating a brilliant display of tiny fish and floating plants.

The aquatic team has been hard at work developing this section of the lake, but it'll still be months before any of these creatures will be ready for consumption.

I watch a tiny yellow fish dart this way and that, a sliver of envy working its way into my chest.

The little finned creature will be given every opportunity to grow and procreate before meeting its demise.

I will not.

Red and black scales flash across my outer vision.


We don't belong underwater. Not any longer. Although our ancestors lived on an aquatic planet, time and evolution brought change. The surface dried and so we lost our ability to breathe water, but our lung capacity still exceeds most land dwellers.

If it weren't for years of training on top of our natural aptitude, neither of us would be prolific in the swimming skill set.

I sweep my hand upward, signaling my ascent to my brother.

Born of the same pod, we've been together our entire lives. Our different colorations did not deter our young selves from the draw we felt to each other, and even with the difficulties his talents bring, I would not change our friendship for the universe.

The hot desert wind brushes against my scalp as I break the surface of the water, ruffling my mohawk despite how drenched it is.

Eerie black eyes join me, Lyc keeping the lower half of his face underwater. I lift a brow and motion to the far side of the lake where base camp stands.

His slitted pupils narrow before he nods and silently sinks back under.

Despite the beauty and hope surrounding us, a wriggling sense of unease taps at my breastbone.

Long ago, before we left our homeland, a younger version of my brother ruined any chances of our happily ever afters. A cloud of horror hangs over our heads, following us everywhere we go, even to the bottom of oceans and across galaxies.

This swim was a stupid idea. A fool's last-ditch effort to find peace within the storm.

The future is coming, and there's no way to stop it.

I swim, keeping my back along the surface to enjoy the warmth of the sun on my scales.

When I reach the shore, Lyc already stands on the path, clothed and ready to head back into town. He says nothing as I rise from the water and stalk to the tree where my clothes lay.

My unease grows as I dress, morphing from an unwelcome tapping to a painful thumping. After checking that my knives and other weapons remain battle ready, I join my brother on the path.

We head straight to the headquarters tent in the center of the main camp, intent on getting the most recent news. A sandy transporter screeches to a halt in front of us, blocking the entrance to the tent. The back hatch slams open, the tailgate bouncing a few times before the first warrior jumps out.

I recognize them as the members of the fourth Warrior Elite team.

My brows rise in alarm, and I meet Lyc's eyes, his expression as neutral as ever, but I catch the knowledge of trouble in his pupils. Words of the past ghost through my ears, spoken by the lips of the one who refuses to speak now.

Fate must unfold.

Warrior Elite Team Four should be halfway across the planet right now, leading the attack on one of the ISC facilities expected to be almost the size of the one we failed to overthrow a few weeks ago.

Why are they back so soon?

The sense of dread thumping behind my breastbone roars to life. My ears ring. I almost turn and run—to where, I do not know, but the urge to flee strikes me so hard I lock my muscles in place to avoid looking like a terrified podling.

The commander of the team jumps free of the cargo bay.

My scales tingle in warning. The wind shifts, carrying the scents wafting off Commander Ru'en's suit to me. Mixed with gunpowder, aggression, and terror, the sultry perfume of omega hits my sinuses and blasts through my skull.

My vision turns red from a rage so potent it shackles my thoughts and hijacks my body, launching me into the air and sending my fist into Commander Ru'en's face. He hits the ground and tries to roll, his reflexes admirable but not quick enough. My fist lands on his face over and over again while I straddle him, riding his every attempt to buck me off with ease. The need to destroy him overrules all logic—he touched what is mine.


When he lays limp and unresponsive, my wayward body snatches the tranquilizer gun out of his belt. All four of his teammates slowly sink to the ground, the fast-acting drug forcing them into slumber before they can yank the darts out of their limbs.

I turn and train the weapon on my brother. He does not move.

Footsteps pull my attention behind me. I spin around, roundhouse kicking the idiot dumb enough to run up on me. He flies backward, knocking the beta behind him into the entrance of the headquarter tent. They hit the ground with a thud.

I am not satisfied. I kneel over the alpha who touched my omega and fill my fists with his vest, shaking him and snarling.

He does not wake.

I drop him like a sack of carrion and stalk to the front of the transporter.

The beta standing beside the passenger seat scurries to get out of the way, but he isn't fast enough. I shove him, sending him flying so far to the side he lands in the dirt instead of on the road.

When I dip my head into the cab of the vehicle, the female beta driver takes one look at my face and flings herself out the driver's door.


Commander Steil's voice sounds from far away. I turn and lift the tranquilizer, knowing it only has one more dart left.

He stops in his tracks a dozen feet away, dust billowing around his massive feet and tail.


The snarled word comes from my chest, but I didn't give my throat permission to speak.

"Yes. Yours. Put the tranquilizer down and we'll go as a team to find her."

My rage only worsens. No other male will go near her.

I shift the muzzle of the gun and pull the trigger.

Lyc drops to the ground.

I toss a disc from my belt and lunge into the transporter, slamming the door behind me just in time to miss the worst of the blast.

The vehicle moves too slowly, but it proves a useful shield against the volley of bullets and blasters as my own people shoot at me. It also works well as a ram, the base's gate closing too slowly to latch before I reach it.

Into the desert I drive, blind to the beauty of the sunset as I push the transporter to its top speed.

I have an omega to claim.


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