Chapter 4 - Fek

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I fight against the urge to snap my hips forward, the wet heat of her folds around my tip the most glorious sensation I've ever felt.

If I can hold myself still for another few seconds, maybe Steil will have time to tranquilize me, even though he sounds so far away. I pray for his quick draw capabilities and his excellent aim to be as effective as they usually are.

Staring down into lush brown eyes with my fingers tangled in thick black locks, I want nothing more than to sink into her depths and claim her.

My lifemate.

Before madness takes over, I soften my purr and stroke her hair, doing everything I can to show my true self, but mania snatches common sense from me.

The sound of metal striking metal alerts me to a nearby enemy, my subconscious supplying me with a visual of Steil cocking his dart gun. I snarl and tilt my hips forward.

A needle pierces my shoulder before numbness spreads.

My omega whimpers as fury darkens my features. Pain warps her expression, and before my vision fades to black, I twist my body, forcing my cock away from her folds.

The sounds of crashing as my limp body rolls off the gurney and bounces off the surrounding equipment before finally coming to a halt on the ground follows me into the void.

Weaving into the sounds of violence and rage, words of the past rise up and repeat themselves, over and over again until nothing else remains.

Fate must unfold.


Lust and fury push me into reality, wiping away any traces of the tranquilizer. I snap to the present with a snarl, expecting the bindings on my arms and legs, but hating them at the same time.

"Where is she?"

No one answers, despite my senses telling me all four of my teammates, Steil, Lyc, Craize, and Gric, stand nearby. My eyelids open and, ignoring the pounding of my head, which mimics the aggravated pulsing of my unfulfilled and weeping cock, I study my surroundings.

Crumbling stucco walls, a thin framed metal bed bolted onto the floor, and a small ledge built into the far wall are the room's only adornments. A small chain hangs from the center of the ceiling, but the socket hangs empty, the light bulb nowhere to be seen. If it weren't for the barred window at the head of the bed, the tiny cell would have no light.

I test the chains binding my limbs and find I am fully encased. Commander Steil has taken no chances, but the links of metal creak as I flex my muscles, a few on the brink of snapping apart. At least I'm not bound to the floor or the wall. I can choose to sit or stand, albeit extremely uncomfortably and with much concentration on my balance.

I swivel my head and meet grey irises, my rage offering Steil a snarl even as my mind thanks him.

"Where is she?"

Translucent lenses ghost across his orbs before he uncrosses his arms and responds.


Through sheer force of will, I hold back my outraged roar and force my mouth to form words.

"Did I hurt her?"

His brow rises, filling my throat with bile caused by self hatred. My memory mocks me with her terrified eyes and pain filled expression.

Lava boils at the base of my spine, thoughts of her soft curves and feminine features compounding my need for her.

I choke back my pathetic sounds of distress and close my eyes, gathering as much of my wits as I can find. Unable to face the horrors of what I almost forced on her, I speak to my unit commander through gritted teeth, keeping my eyes shut.

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