Chapter 10 - Fek

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Curt orders follow me into the passageway, Steil's directions so precise I know exactly where to go with only two sentences. He instructs Lyc to go topside and move boulders and rocks onto the openings in the ceiling to seal the omega's pheromones into the cave. Brynt leaps into action without needing to be told what to do, turning on the nodes already placed at the entrances to all three passages leading deeper into the cave system, creating a graph of lasers to dissuade any enemies who may attempt to enter.

Through the red, lethal grate of a door, I see the other beta male scurry over to the packs tucked neatly against the wall, yanking their zippers open and pulling out the most important resources—water and food—so they lay front and center when the omegas find themselves in need.

The males rush through silent, hurried movements to create a hasty haven for the ailing omegas. They lock them in the cave, alone, for their own safety. They'll stand guard outside and do their best to give them privacy and comfort for their most vulnerable moments, but never have we encountered an entire group of omegas jumping into estrous so suddenly.

I turn my attention to the source of the most alluring scent in the entire universe and curse in shock as a tiny hand slaps across my face.

"No! Go back."

My feet never lose their rhythm despite the unexpected attack. A writhing, feral creature fights where my calm, trusting omega once lay cradled in my arms.

"I can't go back," I rumble through gritted teeth.

"Let me go!"

"I can't."

Tiny fists bounce off my chest and short nails squeak against my scales as Veena rages.

"Take me back to the light, you horrible monster!"

The terror in her voice breaks my heart.

"Be brave, Veena."

"No! Take me back!"

"It's okay, my treasure. Let me have it, all of it. Your pain. Your fear. Your anger. I can take it."

"I hate the dark!"

"I'm sorry, little one."

"I hate you!"

Her vehemence shreds my already torn heart, for even though I know she doesn't mean the words she speaks, I feel the weight of her agony.

As though her terrible words are the final straw, she collapses into sobs, her fists turning into clinging, desperate hands as she hides her face against my chest. I turn into a second hallway, crouching so I don't hit my head on the low ceiling.

"I'm sorry, Fek. I didn't mean it."

Even riddled with sobs, I understand her words, the regret streaming from her soul splintering the remaining shards of my heart.

"It's okay, Veena. You couldn't fight against the ISC, but you can with me. I'm honored you trust me enough to show me your pain."

She shakes in my arms, her sobs increasing and her skin heating as the first wave of slick pours from her.

"This is wrong. Too fast."

"Hang on. I've got you."

I lunge through the narrow opening, grunting when my shoulders scrape along the rough stone, but pivot around the sharp corner and dart into the cave as fast as my legs will carry me. Not stopping to search the pitch-black room, I stalk to the left and squat down beside the small, flat ledge of rock. Veena refuses to let go, so I keep one arm around her and open the emergency pack Steil stashed here when he first discovered the tiny hideaway.

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