Chapter 5 - Veena

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I brace for his assault, startled at how easily he displays his strength. The brutal sounds of metal striking metal and the flexing of his muscles as he tosses the chains wakes a vicious voice in my head.

She loves his casual display of force and eagerly awaits his attention.

He doesn't hesitate, wrapping me in masculine arms and trapping my head in place for his kiss with a fist in my hair.

His lips and tongue consume me, exploring every inch of my mouth with sensual strokes. Another cramp sends slick down my thighs, but even with lust coursing through my veins, I tremble as he grinds his hips against my belly.

Remembered pressure between my thighs tenses my muscles.

The world shifts, Fek picking me up and pressing my back against the wall as though I weigh nothing. His massive hands force my legs apart, hiking up my gown and pinning my knees to the wall. Without warning, his finger invades my channel and sets up a rhythm so perfect my needy body writhes and hovers on the edge of orgasm. A second finger joins the first and their combined knuckles create a burning stretch and knobby ride, pushing me closer to the precipice.

He bends his fingers and hits a sensitive spot deep within my channel. I shatter, lightning coursing through my insides and bursting me open as lakes of slick pour from me.

He doesn't give me time to recover, the thick head of his shaft replacing his fingers at my entrance before I regain my senses. Feeling exposed and helpless, I reach out and grab massive shoulders, his hard scales surprisingly smooth against my flesh.

His purr rumbles so low my belly flutters, aching for the tool he threatens to spear me with.

A whimper escapes between my gasps, my mind having trouble processing how quickly things have progressed.

Callused fingers dig into the back of my thighs, Fek holding me poised above his shaft. I meet his eyes and lose the ability to breathe.

Black pupils stare down at me, crazed and desperate. My alpha monster licks his bottom lip and leans down, trailing his tongue along the shell of my ear.

"Hold on to me, Veena. Fight if you need. Give me everything."

My fingernails scratch along his orange scales, their futile attempt to harm him causing a squeak to join the cacophony of sensuous sounds. With his purr, our ragged breathing, and my slick dripping onto the floor, my ears soak up every carnal sound with delight.

He tilts his hips, adding pressure to my entrance and drawing my attention downward.

Fully clothed except for the triangle of orange scales revealed by his open trousers, my sense of vulnerability triples. He's seen almost every inch of me, yet I've never even seen him with his shirt off.

My eyes widen as I take in his cock. The thick base juts from his scales and boasts a ring of darker orange where his knot will expand. But I can't even shudder in response, too stunned by his length to pause in my perusal.

There's no way he'll fit.

His grip on the back of my thighs pulls me down while he jerks his hips in a tightly controlled, shallow invasion. The tip of his head breaches my entrance, earning a whine of pain from my throat.

I choke on my own tongue when I catch sight of his cockhead. The shaft just below it boasts striated scales, wrapping around the circumference of his flanges, all with their tips pointed toward his groin and black flesh connecting them.



His white teeth flash in front of my eyes as he snarls and snaps his hips upward, burying the first few inches of his massive tool into my body. I push and claw at his chest and shoulders, letting my instincts take over.

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