Chapter 6 - Fek

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Veena's wide eyes lift to meet mine, sending a wave of desire from the base of my spine to jettison from my tip, leaving me shuddering in the aftermath of awe and joy.

Her irises shine a bright violet with a faint brown ring around the edges. The change both shocks and pleases me, showcasing how strong our bond flows between us.

"Your eyes are purple."

Her brows scrunch in confusion as she mulls over my words.

"That's strange."

I chuckle, yet again mesmerized by her mental fortitude.

"It pleases me."

Her worry floats away, taking with it the wrinkles from her brow.

"You expected my eyes to change color?"

"I hoped. The strongest bonds result in many unexplained changes."

I hold in the urge to ask her if she's okay, sweeping my fingertips in long, smooth strokes down her back. The barrier of her gown annoys me, but I leave it in place. She should have a nest and all the comforts in the universe, but in their absence, I decide to allow her the covering.

Her clothed breasts shift against my front as she inhales, her exhale rumbling with pleasure as she settles her cheek against my shirt. I fight the urge to rip off the rest of our clothing so I can feel her bare flesh against my scales, electing to grit my teeth and relax my muscles as much as possible, hoping my knots will release her sooner.

She hides it well, but a tight string of pain infects our bond, giving me the only true insight into her discomfort.


Her quiet hum is the only response.

"Did I injure you?"

She freezes, going statue still on top of me. After a quiet moment, she talks with her head still pressed against my sternum.

"It hurts, but I'll be okay."

I soften my purr and offer her every ounce of comfort I can.

Silence settles around the edges of the room—my gentle vibrations and her barely audible rumble mingle together, but a sliver of awkwardness infects what should be the most peaceful moment of my life.

I know nothing about her, other than her name and the little snippets I've seen of her personality so far.

Where to begin?

The awkwardness grows in tiny increments. My chest's vibrations strengthen as it does, my instincts working hard to erase the intruder.

The wiggle of thoughts along our bond alerts me to my omega's growing agitation. I support her, stroking her back and kneading her scalp in an attempt to abate the pleasure erupting from my cock. Her extended belly presses against mine, the stillness of her body her only physical cue of pain.

I lift my hands from her and press my palms against the mattress, willing the last of the lava boiling at the base of my spine to erupt from my tip.

A groan slips past my lips, her tight heat so addictive I want to stay within her body for the rest of my existence. My shaft throbs, hating the idea of leaving her womb.

My nails puncture the mattress as I bite my bottom lip hard enough to draw blood, my mind searching for anything to end my ecstasy.

Crimson eyes and eerie words do the job.

Flames, spreading. Life begun.

Joy comes for those above.

The knot around the base of my cock deflates. Her swollen channel grips me in a tight hold, making me suck down oxygen as though I've spent an hour underwater and finally resurfaced.

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