Chapter 9 - Veena

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The moment my alpha swings open the door, trepidation fills me.

I want to reach out and grab the doorframe, preventing him from leaving the safety of our temporary den, no matter how flimsy the protection may have been, but I press my cheek against his chest and inundate my lungs with his pheromones.

After a few deep, calming breaths, I lift my head and meet his striking gaze.

"May I walk? Please?"

I don't want to leave his arms, but I can't infect him with the dread infusing my chest. He studies my face for a moment before placing my feet on the floor. I rise on my tiptoes and thank him with a gentle sweep of my lips against his, glad he bends down to close the distance between our faces.

Commander Steil stands at the end of the narrow white hall with his arms crossed over his chest and his grey eyes cold. I fight the shiver coursing up my spine, remembering how he showed me respect after he shot my alpha. The trust Fek has for this male pulses along our bond, his silent soothing a balm to my agitation.


My lifemate wastes no time on niceties, his facial features set in a hard mask. Commander Steil responds in much the same way.

"Everything is prepped to move."

"My sisters?"

Fek's arm wraps over my shoulders and pulls me against his side as we approach the other alpha.

"Ready to head to the transporters."

"Is anyone..."

Commander Steil takes pity on me when I can't find the words to finish my question.

"It'll take time to get everyone topnotch, but no one shows signs of serious illness."

"Can we see them?"

I aim this question up to my lifemate, not comfortable asking Commander Steil such an important question despite how kind he's been to me. Slitted eyes narrow, but Fek nods, accepting the turmoil leaking from my heart and wriggling into our bond as though he understands.

"How close are the scouts?"

"We can't get a bead on them, but they were in the mountains a few miles away when Craize and Gric spotted them."

Commander Steil stands and gestures for us to follow him as he speaks. Fek keeps his arm around me despite how cramped the hallway feels, and I'm grateful for his closeness. My knees wobble and calves ache as the hard soles of my shoes force me to modify how I walk.

"Where will we go?"

My lifemate's question has my stomach tightening, reawakening the soreness within my abdomen. I listen as closely as I can, trying to pull up what little I remember of the land before the Enforcers destroyed my clan.


"Away from base camp?"

"Yes. There should be deserted towns on the coast."

"How long should it take to get there?"

"A day and a half, if all goes according to plan. The mountain pass may not be as reliable as we hope."

Fek nods and glances down at me. I open my mouth to ask where we are, but Commander Steil opens a door and washes the hall in brilliant light.

Unaccustomed to the bright sun, I blink and follow Fek's lead. After several steps, my eyes adjust enough for me to handle a squint. Every surface around us seems to reflect both the heat and light of the sun, making the air sizzle and waver in the distance.

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