Chapter 8 - Fek

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I slam the door despite telling myself to behave. Veena teeters on the edge of the bed, the bottom half of her gown soaked with the most glorious smelling lubricant.

Her body begs for me to claim her again, but we don't have the time. I drop the bundle of clothing on the bed and spread them out, taking a quick inventory.

"Are those for me?" She asks without reaching for them.

"Yes. Probably not what you're used to, but they're clean and sturdy."

"They're beautiful."

I look down at the black shirt and pants, wondering just how deprived she's been for the past two years if these simple clothes draw such strong emotions from her.

She stands as though to pick up the shirt, but I wrap my arms around her shoulders and murmur in her ear.

"Let me clean and dress you."

"I... why?"

"Because I want to."

She studies my face for a moment before testing our bond with a gentle caress. Her confusion remains, but she agrees with a nod.

My mouth continues speaking, needing her to understand what drives me. Needing her to know that I'm more than just instinct and brute strength.

"Because I need to see with my eyes that I haven't hurt you. I need to touch you and confirm you're alive and real."

Wonder sparkles in her violet eyes as she nods her head again. I slip my fingers into her gown and pull apart the fasteners before pushing the fabric off her shoulders. She stands in all her naked glory, a fresh trickle of slick running down her legs as my purr drops so low her core clenches hard enough to make her wince.

I reach behind her and grab the water bottle from the tray, cracking it open and placing it in her hand before snatching up the packet of wipes. When she tips the rim of plastic to her lips and begins drinking, I drop to my knees and rip open the packet of wipes.

She squeaks and almost chokes when I touch the first wet cloth to her ankle. I guide her legs further apart and clean the inside of her thighs, gritting my teeth so hard my jaw aches. Her folds tempt me, but I keep my desire locked tightly away, checking her for any signs of injury instead of ravaging her. Besides being swollen and red, her flesh looks perfectly delectable. I stop my tongue mere inches away, groaning and teasing her clit with the wipe before I can stop myself.

I kiss the top of her mound and force myself away, picking up the little scrap of fabric meant to cover her pussy. Unable to help myself, I lift my shirt and rub the panties along my abdominals, infusing my scent into the material.

Her pupils dilate and lips part, a small, sharp inhale of breath broadcasting her surprise. I kneel at her feet and place her hand on my shoulder before lifting her ankle and guiding her leg into the correct hole. She uses my shoulder for balance as I repeat the motion with her other foot and skim the material up her thighs.

Despite wanting to snarl and rip the offending barrier off of her, I fit them over her amazing curves, checking the entire circumference of the waistband before turning and snatching up the pants.

I can't help it. I lift my shirt and smear every inch of her trousers over my chest and abs, not stopping until there's no doubt every fiber holds my pheromones.

Still, she looks at me with surprise but does nothing to stop me as I dress her in clothes permeating my scent. I slide them up her legs, nipping her inner thigh with my teeth, rewarding myself for being so well behaved. The material fits loosely around her thighs and waist but hugs her hips in a way that accentuates her luscious curves. I cinch the built-in belt to the middle setting, wondering how someone so trim accepted my entire cock, knots and all.

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