Chapter 7 - Veena

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I have never been so comfortable. Even with a pinching pain in my abdomen and my mind whirling from the events of the last few hours, I've never been so content. All I want is to bask in his warmth and stay wrapped up in his arms for the rest of my life. It makes no sense, especially since his muscles are hard as rocks and he just dominated my body in the most visceral way, but I allow myself a few moments of relaxing in my nest of alpha.

My stomach gives a loud rumble. I stiffen in fear, expecting to be punished with a zap of electricity, but my lifemate merely strokes my hair and sighs. He picks me up and presses my back into the corner before tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear.

When he goes to stand, my hand flies out and grabs his wrist. The shock of hard, smooth scales against my palm sends doubt flicking down my spine, a sliver of fear awakening as he looms over me.

My heart hammers against my ribs, but not because he's large and imposing. No, it pounds so rapidly because he's going to leave me. My instincts hate the idea so much they tighten my fingers around his wrist.

When I finally drag my eyes up from our hands, I meet my alpha's concerned, slitted purple eyes. My mouth moves before I give it permission.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I grabbed you, I just—"

He lays his hand over mine, stopping my retreat. My head spins for a moment, his gigantic hand sending my senses into a whirlpool as it dwarfs mine.

The truth pours from me even before the thought fully forms.

"I just don't want you to go."

His expression softens and a comforting purr vibrates from his chest.

"I'm only going to grab the food. I'll never leave your sight."

"Take me with you."

A poignant moment passes between us. Our hearts understand each other, despite the lack of words flowing between us.

He scoops me up and cradles me against his chest. After stroking my hair and kissing my brow, he shifts me so my thighs straddle his waist and my heels press against the small of his back. I wrap my arms as far around his shoulders as I can and tuck my face against his chest.

A part of me cringes at how clingy I'm acting, but for the first time in years, I feel safe and cherished. I don't have to be strong. Not right now, when it's just the two of us. He can handle anything thrown at us, so I can shrug off the weight of my nightmares for a little while.

His muscles flex as he steps across the tiny room and opens the door. I hold in a moan when he squats and retrieves the tray, the pressure of his abs against my recovering clit sending streaks of heat through my veins.

I suck down a lungful of his addictive pheromones, huffing in annoyance when he pulls me off him and settles my rump into his lap.

He feeds me from his hand, the tray beside us on the bed. I lose myself in the experience, enjoying several flavors I've never tasted before and dutifully swallowing what I don't care for. He watches me so closely I never experience the same unfavored bite again—as he learns my likes and dislikes, he only offers me what I enjoy most. I study his face, mesmerized by his concentration as he cares for me in a way I never dreamed could be so intimate.

When I rise from the haze of unexpected pleasure, I glimpse the tray and refuse to eat anymore. He brushes the slice of strawberry against my lips, but I keep my mouth shut. I slide my fingers around his and tug the food free of his grasp.

A frown mars his striking features, but surprise wipes it away when I lift the bite to his lips. His pupils shrink, leaving a thin line of black in each orb until a soft rumble begins in my chest.

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