Online class

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Peter woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, and may have accidentally broken it but whatever. He looked at his phone then saw that he had 5 minutes left till he had to be in his zoom class so he got it ready then looked in his closet for a clean shirt. Then he saw that someone, probably Clint, took all his sciencey nerd shirts so he put on a led zeppelin shirt his Dad, Tony gave him. Then he put on some jeans. He grabbed his phone then entered his zoom class with 30 seconds to spare. "Hi, Mr. Harrington, I'm going to have my mike off if that's ok because I have to get food." He said, upon joining the Zoom meeting. "Alright, but just please have your video on, so I can see that you aren't skipping class." I nodded then muted myself, and walked to the kitchen. I saw uncle Bucky making waffles. "Ooooh uncle Bucky, can I have some waffles? Btw I'm on zoom." Uncle Bucky nodded and I saw my Pops, Dr. Strange, walk in grumpily and make some tea. "Hey pops" Peter said, while listening to his teacher with one earbud in. "Hey Pete, are you on, online class?" Pops asked. "Yah, is dad coming?"

"He should be here in a minute, for his precious coffee in his Iron man pj's"

"Of course he has pjs of himself" Peter sighed, as Bucky handed him a plate of waffles. "Thanks Uncle bucky." Peter said, digging into his huge plate of waffles. "Your welc-" Bucky started, then was interrupted by a certain male figure in Iron man pj's. "G-ot, 'ny coffee" Tony Stark asked his son Peter. Peter sighed and was about to go find some for his father when he heard his math teacher ask him a question, "Peter, what is the mean of the data I have shared on the screen?" The numbers on the screen were 2, 5, 8, and 10. "Umm, 6.25 sir, also I have to find some materials to make coffee, because if not, the fate of the world could be at stake, so could I please have my camera off for a moment?" The teacher looked confused then a certain piece of Trash interrupted smugly, "I bet he's just trying to get out of class." The teacher, Miss. Giraffe, thought for a moment then said, "I'm sorry Mr. Parker but I cannot allow you to feed anymore lies to us, so no you must keep your camera on." Peter sighed, and set his phone on a surface in the kitchen, but forgot to turn off his mike. HE started looking for ingredients for the coffee and started making it. But a few moments later a strangely familiar voice, to the class sounded, "iS mY cOfFeE aLmOsT rEaDy PeTeR!?!?!"

"ALMOST JUST CALM DOWN PLEASE" Peter replied as if his life depended on it, which it most certainly did. "WTF PENIS, WHY IS THE TONY STARK ASKING YOU ABOUT COFFEE!?!?!" It's too bad Peter decided to take out his earbuds and put his class on full volume. And at that, a certain bird themed hero fell out of the vents. "AHH LOOK ITS CLINTON THE IMPOSTER" Peter cackled on instinct, forgetting his class was there. Tony, in turn, had heard Flash and had gone stone cold and walked into the frame to glare menacingly at Flash. "What. Did. You. Just. Call. My. Kid." The angry billionaire asked the son of a soon to be broke man. "Uhhh I called him p-penis, sir." Flash stuttered nervously. "Now why would you do that?!" Tony said, somehow wide awake without a drop of coffee in his system. "Oh idk, it's just a joke r-right peter?" It was then that Peter decided to show his true personality.

"Just a joke my a$s, you really don't know when to shut the eff up do you? And don't think that the entirety of the Avengers haven't heard about what you've been doing to me since day one. And they've had plans that they don't know, I knew about, since day 1. Also I think your father is about to get bankrupt in three, two, one. Alright now your broke, bye bye trashy boy. And I'm leaving this Zoom call, and if any of you release this to the public I will personally hunt you down, got it? Good"

And with that Peter left the zoom call. Then a random voice from amidst the avengers yelled out, "I WAS IN THE THIRD GRADE, AND PEOPLE TREATED ME LIKE I WAS A CRIMINAL." Peter reacted on instinct and shouted out, "BECAUSE I KILLED SOMEBODY!!!!!!!!"

A/N: This is my second One-shot the next one should come out in a couple of days because this was pre-written. 

Credits to my friend who did the math part even though I asked her for science, still thanks to her tho. 

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