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I was casually zoning out in class as one does when I heard my phone ringing. "Peter, is that your phone?" My teacher, Mr. Harrington asked. "Yes, it is, i'm guessing you're gonna make me answer it aren't you." I replied. "Yes, yes I am, you know the policy" I sighed and answered my phone, and put it on speakerphone. "Hello?" I asked into my phone. "Pete, I need you home right now, your sister ate a scrunchie" My father's voice sounded over the speaker.

"MORGAN ATE A SCRUNCHIE, WHERE WERE YOU WHEN SHE DID THAT!?!?!?" I yelled over the phone. "In the lab..." He said sheepishly. "I'll be there in ten." I said and hung up. "Sorry Mr. Harrington, I've got to go, my sister ate a scrunchie, see y'all tomorrow." I said and jumped out the window with my bag.

I got to the tower, 5 minutes later, a bit early, and ran towards the medical center. When I got there I saw Morgan on a stretcher. "Morgan, why would you eat a scrunchie?" I asked her sweetly. "It had watermelons on it and it looked tasty" She said with wide eyes looking up at me. "A-am I in trouble?" She looked scared. "Of course not, we're just worried about you, that's all." I said, kneeling in front of her. "Ok, so I think we may have to do surgery to get the scrunchie out of you Morgan, but I promise, it'll be alright." Doctor Helen Cho said walking out of her office. "It's ok Morgie, I'll stay by your side the entire time, if that's ok, of course." I said sweetly, as she layed on the bed. "That's fine with me, if it's fine with you Morgan." Doctor Cho said. "Yes, that's fine" Morgan answered.

3rd person POV:

When Peter arrived at school the next day he looked insanely worried and wasn't paying attention all day. "Mr. Parker, are you ok, you haven't been focused at all today?" Mr. Harrington asked Peter. "Oh, um not really, my sister had to go into surgery yesterday and I'm worried about her." Peter said, on the verge of tears.

When he returned home, however, she was perfectly fine and they watched barbie all day together.

A/N ok so I actually wrote this one today, via my friends request, crazy right.

Anyway have a good Day/night/evening/morning/afternoon

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