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I can't believe we actually have a good, and fun project for school. It's a partner project but the teacher has to pick partners. I was paired with Nate, who essentially lives with me as his father was my Uncle Clint. Our other partners were, Cassie, Uncle Scott's daughter, who lives at the tower part time, and Lydia Tomphson.

Our project had to be about any Avenger, but we had to make the decision as a group. We got in our groups, and started thinking of which Avenger to do the project on. "I think that Ant-Man is the best Avenger, so we're doing the project on him." Lydia said, as Me, Nate, and Cassie burst out laughing. "What?" Lydia asked, completely oblivious. "I-I c-can't b-believe h-he's y-your-favorite" Cassie said between laughs. "Whatever, who do you think we should do?" Lydia asked, exasperatedly. "Black Widow" "Black widow" "Hawkeye" We all said at the same time. "NATE WHYYYY" I asked, and he shrugged. "Cuz he's cool, plus he has a bow and arrow." 

"AND BLACK WIDOW IS BADA$S AND SHE HAS GUNS, AND HER REALLY COOL WIDOW BITES!!!" Me and Cassie said in unison. "Whatever, we can do Black Widow." Nate finally gave in. "Is that ok with you?" He asked Lydia. "Fine, but my brother, and RICH father will hear about this." Lydia replied. "What are you Draco Malfoy or some sh!t?" I asked sassily.

"MORGAN, WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE, YOU'RE IN THIRD GRADE HOW DO YOU KNOW THOSE WORDS!?!?!?!" The teacher, Mrs. Peterson yelled. "Well Mrs, I have a very strange family." I said calmly. "You can say that again" Nate murmured. "Uncle Steve has entered the chat" Cassie whispered. "Just get back to work" Mrs. Peterson sighed. "OH, and I almost forgot, we get to take a field trip to the Avengers' penthouse, and museum to help with your projects. You can also bring one family member, we will call your parents/guardians to inform them after school." Mrs. Peterson informed us. "Anyway it's almost time for you to go, so pack up your things, and then you will be dismissed." Mrs. Peterson said, to the class.

Me, Cassie, and Nate all walked out together. I suddenly heard my phone buzz. I checked it and it was Happy texting me to say that he couldn't pick us up. "Dammit." I cursed out loud. "What is it?" Cassie asked. "Happy can't pick us up, we have to walk." I said sadly. "It's too bad that Peter and Harley can't come home from MIT, I was really looking forward to seeing them." Nate said. Then an expensive looking black car pulled up and guess who got out.

"PETER!!!!" I yelled, and dropped my bag and ran up to hug him. "Hey Morgie, how've you been?" He asked, hugging me back. "Good, but I thought you couldn't come? What happened?" I asked him. "Oh, uh we got off early at MIT, Harleys in the car btw"

"We figured," Cassie said behind us, with my bag that I had dropped. "Thanks Cassie" I said, taking my bag and putting it in Peter's car. In the distance I saw Lydia walking with her brother to a limo, smirking at us. I stuck the middle finger up at her and she scowled looking away. Probably to snitch on me to her brother.

We got in the car and said hi to Harley and we drove to the tower to surprise Mom, or Pepper Stark, and Dad, or Tony Stark. While we were driving, Peter got a call from the school and answered it on the car's bluetooth. "Hello?" he asked. "Yes, Hi, umm so your Morgan's brother, right?" My teacher's voice asked from the phone. "YES!! HE IS!!!" I yelled from the backseat. "Ok, then, our class is going to Stark tower for a field trip to help with our projects on Avengers with our groups. Siblings and family members are very much allowed to go, as we got a great deal from an anonymous source." Mrs. Peterson informed them.

"Ok, I give permission for Cassie Lang, Nate Cooper (A/N tis a fake last name Edit: OMFG IM EDITING AND I JUST REALIZED THAT COOPER'S NAME WOULD BE COOPER COOPER OMGG), and Morgan Parker, to go on the field trip. And if you are wondering, Cassie, and Nate are our cousins, and they are in the same car as me, and Morgan." Peter replied. "AND ME" Harley shouted, and me, Nate, and Cassie snickered. "And my boyfriend, do you need the names of the people going, as family members because, I can ask Morgan to text the rest of the family if you want."

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