Morgan's bored

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I was sitting in class calmly when I heard a ringing, and it was coming from inside my pocket. Shi-shoot, I thought, correcting myself in my head. "Peter, is that your phone that's ringing?" My teacher, Mr. Glass, asked. "Probably" I answered truthfully. "Could you check?" I pulled out my phone. "Yep it's mine" I answered.

I was about to decline it when Mr. Glass spoke up again, "Peter, answer it, you know the policy, your phone goes off, you answer the call." I sighed, answered the call and put it on speakerphone. "Hi Petey, how ya doin'" I heard my sister, Morgan ask from the other end. "Good, Morgie, but right now isn't really a good time, I'm in class." I said, under the glare of my teacher. "Sorry Petey, but I'm bored, Uncle Bruce fell asleep, and I didn't want to wake him, and Mom, and Dad are still in Peru."

"Ok, if you look in the cabinet underneath the TV, there's a box labeled, 'DO NOT TOUCH' if you look in there, theirs a file labeled 'blackmail' if you plug it into a computer, and wire it to the TV you can watch that until, either Bruce wakes up or Mom and Dad come back from Peru." I answered. "Ok bye peteyyyyyy, love youuuuuu"

"Love you too Morgan," I said with a smile, then hung up. "Let's get on with our lesson, shall we." I said to the class as I put my phone on silent and slipped it into my pocket.

~end of one-shot~

A/N I hope you liked this one-shot, and I'm surprised, because I finished it the same day as the previous one-shot, but I couldn't post it. Anyway, I've also had state testing so idk how i finished the other one so quickly

Credits to my friend who suggested this. 

On another note, requests for any one-shots are open if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me, because I have like no ideas whatsoever.

Anyway have a good day/night/morning/evening/afternoon

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