Billiam is gay?!?!? (TW: Weird Plot twist even I didn't see coming)

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Part 2 of Morgan x billiam

Billiams pov: (btw this is right after billiam x morgan)

I had been dating Morgan for a week now, but something felt weird, I thought that she was who I liked, but now that I think about it, I think the person who I've always liked all along was Gerard Ramsey. Or Gordon Ramsey's new adopted son. I felt weird feelings and i didnt want to end the relationship with Morgan. What if it caused us to stop being friends? What if it caused her and her family to hate me? She seemed so happy when i asked her out, i cant take that away from her. She really loves me why cant i just love her back? Maybe she's having the same thoughts and feelings right now? I felt so bad, like a terrible person. What if I ruined her life and caused her to do something un-unchangeable, like a murder. I knew I shouldn't think like that though, she would never murder someone when they had done nothing wrong in the first place. The worst case scenario would be if her family murdered me. Or, even worse, what if she murdered me? Got back at me for all the chaos I caused in her heart, all the pain I made her feel. (we were in social studies right now so it was quite boring)

"Alright mY sTuDeNtS (if you know you know) we're now gonna watch a short video on the first person point of view of a pilgrim from Plymouth Massachusetts." The video was honestly really boring, it was of this weird guy on youtube basically reenacting what he thought happened at the first thanksgiving, and other things like that. When the video finished there was only 5 minutes left in class. I decided that I would try to talk this over with Morgan after school, and after our Decathlon meeting, keep it off my mind for now. Our teacher came to the front of the room and said, "Alright mY sTuDeNtS I hope you enjoyed that video, I think it was pretty educational, and we will probably watch that channel again a lot. Anyway mY sTuDeNtS something you liked or something you found interesting today?" Soon after he said that the bell rang, and I grabbed my stuff and headed to 7th period, chemistry, with Morgan.

I felt bad about what I was going to do to her later, but I couldn't let that stop me from acting like everything was okay. Just for a little while, I told myself.

"Hey Billiam!" Morgan said from our table, as I walked in.

"Hey Morgan," I replied.

~Time skip brought to you by the teacher who the s.s teacher was based of off, not gonna say his name tho cuz i'm too broke to get sued (after Decathlon)~

"Hey Morgan" I started, my anxiety creeping up on me.

"Yah?" She asked innocently.

"Can I talk to you, for a second?" I asked nervously.

"Yah sure."

I went over to a deserted part of the hallway I swallowed and said, "Morgan, I want to break up with you, but before I say anything else, it's not you, it's me. And I don't want you to be upset, but I don't think that things are working out. At first, I really did think you were my true love, but then I realized I'M GAY DA BA DEE DA BA DIE DA BA DEE DA BA DI, and I'm really sorry about this and the heartbreak it may cause you a-and everything else. And I still want us to be friends, but if you don't want to be friends that's okay too and I'm so, so, so, sorry."

"Ok, that's fine," Morgan replied, calmly, "I think I wanna stay friends too, plus I think I'm bi anyways."

"Oh-oh wow, uuhhh you took that a LOT differently than what I thought you were gonna." I said, bewildered.

"I've been thinking everything you JUST said for like the past three days." Morgan said.

"Wow, i've only been thinking about it since 6th period, today," I added. We started to laugh, as friends.

"All I can do is thank you for this experience!" Morgan blurted out between giggles.

Might randomly leave again soon like within the next 20 mins just a warning

~Time skip to the next day at school brought to you by none other than HARRY POTTER~

I was gonna ask Gerard out today during 4th period, when I have gym. I was kinda nervous, but i'm also a very good cook, so i'm pretty sure his dad won't call me an 'IDIOT SANDWICH'.

~4th period~

I was in the locker room with Gerard, our locker where next to each other, and I asked him the daunting question, "Hey Gerard, do you wanna go out w/ me?" He paused at what he was doing, and I thought this was going to be the end, but then he replied, "Yah, sure, I've actually had a crush on you for a while, but I thought you were dating morgan."

"Yah well we broke up, cause we didn't think it was really working, at least not as a ROMANTIC relationship. We have a bromance now."

~End of one-shot~

A/n: yay finally done after some (a lot) of procrastination, also credits 2 mah bestie who helped meh and also my 2nd period s.s. Teacher for the mY sTuDeNtS thing


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