Grapes in a peanut shell

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Peter was taking Morgan to a bike shop called, ‘Kyle’s Kid Bicycles’ to get her a new bicycle because her old one got stolen by a man in his midlife with old man wrinkles, his fishing hook nose and his hair like a black dog covered in vegetable oil. They decided to walk there because it was only 10 and a half blocks away from Morgan’s school and 24 and three fourths blocks away from the VIP entrance of Avengers tower.
They arrived at ‘Kyle’s Kid Bicycles’ and walked in the door. “Hello my name is Albus Percival Wilfred Brain Dumbledore, how may I assist you.” A man with long hair like a biker and the longest beard you ever did see, and he’s got glasses like an amazon box. “Well we need to get Morgan here a new bike because so dude in his midlife with old man wrinkles, his fishing hook nose and his hair like a black dog covered in vegetable oil stole it on out of her hands like swiper from dora yesterday while we were parking it at the mall because she needed more shoes.
“Ah ok here are the female bikes that are 4’3 in size.” Mr. Dubbleydore said. We found a bike that she liked that would work so they bought it for $7.47. “Have a nice day,” Mr. Dumbdore said. As they left, Morgan saw an empty peanut shell and put two grapes in it, and they left. Peter had brought his bike and both of their helmets so they rode their bikes back to the tower. On their way back from the bike shop however, they saw the same man that had stolen Morgan’s bike before. “HEY SNAPE, SNAPE, SEVERUS SNAPE!” Morgan called, and Snape jumped. “WHY DID YOU STEAL MY BIKE??”
“bEcAuSe I wAs HiReD tO sTeAl iT aNd ThEy PaId A lOt Of MoNeY aNd I nEeD tO pAy ReNt”. He said then ran away again. After that Morgan and Peter went back to the tower and told everyone the story of those weird interactions.
~End of one-shot~

A/N: your welcome for updating
Credits to mah bff for the ideas
Also pretty sunset at my house bcuz I'm forced to get up early for the hell that is called school 

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