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A/N: In this one-shot Peter has this problem where he can lose control and he doesn't act like himself. It's a rare occasion and very little triggers it except any insult targeted at his family.

Morgan's POV:

I walked out of my elementary school when I saw my brother Peter with his fists raised glaring at another boy. The kid he was seemed super dumb so I was a bit confused. I tried to run to them to stop Peter, but was pushed out of the way. Good thing I was smart because I ran to Peter's car, threw my bag inside, and jumped on the roof. From the roof of his car I could see Peter dodging badly thrown punches from the other boy. I could see the other boy's mouth moving, but I couldn't make out what he was saying because I was too far away from them to hear over the chants of 'Fight! FIGHT!, FIGHT!' from the crowd.

I jumped off the roof of the car onto the ground and pushed my way through the crowd to get closer. I got as close as I could, which was almost right up front and saw the kid smack Peter across the face. "PETER!!!!" I screamed and he turned his head towards me and was about to say something before the other kid pushed him. Peter, who looked very angry, stood up, and menacingly walked closer to him. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH FLASH, AND IF YOU EVER TALK BAD ABOUT MY SISTER AGAIN, I WILL NOT HESITATE TO HURT YOU!" Peter yelled at the kid called 'Flash'. "PETER! Stop, you're losing control, just calm down." I yelled, pushing through the crowd to get to him. "It's ok Pete, I'm fine, now let's get home, I'm sure Uncle Bucket made those cookies he's so famous for." I said soothingly.

Then, I was picked up from behind by who I can only assume was Flash. "LET. ME. GO!" I screamed while kicking him with all my strength. Peter, who had seen the whole thing charged at Flash. "PETER! STOP, I CAN GET MYSELF OUT OF HIS GRIP, HE'S REALLY WEAK!" I yelled. That made Flash's grip around me loosen and I slipped out from his grasp and ran to Peter and hugged him. It's alright Pete, let's get home shall we, then we can make a plan to responsibly get revenge on Flash. "HEY PENIS, WHY'D YOU GIVE UP, YOU TO WEAK??" Flash taunted peter.

"Peter, no, ignore him, let's get to your car and go."

 "No, call dad, tell him where we are, he'll know what to do." Peter said firmly and walked slowly towards flash then punched him square in the nose. An echoing crack sounded and I could tell Flash's nose was broken. I quickly called Dad and told him what happened. "We'll be there in a sec" He said, before hanging up.


"Language, I'm sure you know better than to curse in front of kids, especially young kids." The voice of my Pops said and I turned around to see him in all his glory.

The great Captain America. He pushed through the crowd until he got to me. "That kid, he didn't hurt you, did he?" Pops asked me. "Nope, he picked me up, but I escaped easily, he's really weak, and his name is flash, by the way. Or at least that's his nickname." I responded.

Pops nodded and proceeded towards Flash and Peter. "That's enough boys, Peter, calm down buddy, ok. He didn't mean what he said, you know that." Pops said, comforting Peter.

When Peter had calmed down, Pops glared at flash and said, "I don't know what you said to my son, but if you ever do something like that again, you will have the avengers to answer to." Pops then grabbed Peter's hand and slowly guided him over to me. Then he grabbed my hand and we all got in Peter's car together.

~End of one-shot~

A/N: I hope you liked this one. I am terrible at writing fighting, but my friend requested it, so I wrote it. 

Did any of you find the hidden reference I put in, comment if you find it. 

Requests are still open

Have a good day/night/evening/morning/afternoon

698 words lol

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