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As Zero walked out of his last period, he felt a hand tap him on his shoulder, causing him to turn around with a forming smile on his lips. His eyes widened and his smile slowly fell from his face once he saw that it wasn't Y/N that had tapped him. It was Jane standing in front of him instead.

The man faked another big smile against his lips as he raised his hand up before he waved at the girl. "Hey, Jane.. what are you doing here?"

"I was..." She stopped talking for a second before she opened her mouth again, "I was searching for you, actually... I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh." The blonde didn't know why he felt the way he felt. It felt like he only wanted Y/N near him and he thought that was weird. "Well, go ahead, I'm all ears Jane."

The brunette smiled at the man in front of her before she took some steps closer to the blonde that gave her a skeptical look. "So... I thought that.. since you're not going to the dance-"

Rising both of his hands to his chest in confusion, the blonde raised an eyebrow at the female. "Woah, what... I... I actually am.. going..."

"But.." her breath hitched, "You told me you weren't going.."

"I know," Zero huffed, guilt only forming in his chest just like before. "But.. I changed my mind."

The girl nodded her head as she looked sround right before the girl wondered if Zero had anybody to go with.

She looked back over to the blonde and pushed both of her arms behind her back, "So if you're going, then why don't you go with me?"

"Because, Jane..." The man sighed, not wanting to be rude with the way he was about to break the news, "I don't... Really... W-Wanna go... With.. you...?"

The woman stopped all of her movements and her lips slightly parted. "Oh."

Zero put his right hand up to his head and started to itch at the top of his head with nothing to say, "S-Sorry...."

Turning her light eyes away from some random spot, the girl stared right at the nervous boy, "Do you have a date?"

Zero didn't exactly know what to reply with, but he didn't want to annoy Y/N. "I... I do, Jane..."

Jane audibly gasped to herself before she turned around, getting ready to leave the boy alone.

"Wait..! Jane...!" The blonde called out as he watched the brunette walk away from him.

The boy stood still, feeling bad because he'd just rejected someone, but also feeling really good since she was finally off of his back. He wondered how he'd keep Jane away from him and Y/N though.

"What did you do to her?" A whisper came from the side of Zero's face, making him flinch at the sound.

He whirled himself around with shock all over his features before the shock was washed away with a beam, "Y/N..! Hi!"

The girl looked over at to where the brunette girl that'd already disappeared was, "What was that about?"

"I.. had to say no to her... She asked me to the dance.. a-again.." the boy walked closer to Y/N while he unexpectedly wrapped his arms around her waist.

Y/N chuckled at the mans words as she reached her hand up to his silky blonde locks to pet him. "She just can't take no for an answer, can she?"

"No.." the boy nuzzled his face up against her chest with a long whine, "She's... b-being an annoying bitch..."

That came out of nowhere and it stunned the female because she'd never heard Zero talk badly about the other girl.

She moved her fingers down to the blondes chin and forced him to look up at her with puzzlement shown in his eyes, "Aww, why don't you like her anymore? You said she was your only friend."

"Because.. she keeps asking me to the dance and I was sure I made it clear that I didn't wanna go with her..."

"You said you weren't going." Y/N giggled, slightly pinching his chin inbetween her fingers, "God, I'm rubbing off on you Zero."

Playfully pushing his head back, the blonde teen then stuffed his face back into his bullies chest. "I don't even care anymore... I hate everybody but you... I just wanna be with you all the time now..."

"I've casted a spell on you," the girl joked, unaware of the pair of eyes that sat on her and the males figure.

Hi r u ready

Hi r u ready

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