Chapter 14

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I can hear Dean heavily breathing behind me, and I'm too scared to turn around, not yet ready to face the wrath of Dean. I hadn't heard him get out of the shower, and I guess he didn't want me to see this book.
"Riley!" Dean yells, his voice filling the entire apartment. I slowly shut the book and slide it back to the spot behind the TV where I found it.
"Yes?" I ask in my sweetest and most innocent voice ever. I can feel deans anger radiating off the walls of the apartment. Slowly, I turn on my heel, and see deans face is just as angry as his voice. His shoulders are raising quickly, and his eyes are squinted into tiny slits.
"What did I tell you. Don't go through my stuff!" He yells and I flinch at his loud voice. I don't say anything, I don't think he wants to hear me right now. Personally, I don't get why he is so mad. Sure, I shouldn't have been going through his stuff, but I didn think he would get this mad over it.
"I help you train, I try to be nice to you all day, I invite you to my house, and you thank me by being a little snoop and going through my shit! I can't believe you!" I look at the floor. Usually, if a guy tries to yell at me, I don't let him, and I stand up for myself. But this time, I'm at fault.
"I'm sorry" I try to say, but it comes out as a low squeak. He rubs his temples with his fingers, I can see he's trying to calm himself down and not yell at me. Water drips off his hair from the shower and down his arm, onto the floor.
He walks towards me quickly, not looking me in the eye. For a split second I think he's going to hit me, but that thought demolishes when he reaches past me and grabs the book I was looking through. He tucks it under his arm and walks away. The fact
"Please leave" he requests in a low, calm voice. I can't see if his face is as calm as his voice, he still has his back facing me. I sigh, and quietly walk over to his couch to get my bag. I hoist the heavy bag off of the couch and drag it behind me to the front door, where I hastily put on my shoes. The back of my left shoe is folded under my foot, but I don't try and fix it. Dean needs to be alone, and I need to get out of here fast before his calmness fades.
I look over my shoulder, and see Dean has moved, now he has taken a seat on the couch, with his head in his hands in frustration, the book on his lap. I want to say something, but I can't find the words. I shut the door behind me and walk towards the elevator, not looking back.

Once I reach the car, I sit in the car while it's still parked. I don't drive, instead I take out my phone and call Paige.
"Hello pumpkin" she happily greets me.
"Hey" is all I say in return.
"What did he do?" She quickly assumes, and I take a deep breath, before telling her that he didn't do anything, it was all me. We were having a fun day, and i went through his stuff, his personal stuff that he obviously didn't want me to see. I ruined our day, and I know that Dean probably hates me. He's probably sitting in his apartment right now thinking of ways to make my life hell.
"He doesn't hate you, Dean doesn't hold grudges. Are you coming back to the hotel?" Paige asks and I make up an excuse to tell her, that I have to go shopping for new clothes. I feel bad for lying, but I just want to be left alone for now.
"Well, when you get back we can go for dinner, on me. This time we'll actually go for dinner" she lightly laughs on the other end of the line and I think back to our night of "dinner" when Paige got terribly drunk. I thank her for trying to cheer me up, before ending the call. I think a nice dinner with Paige is exactly what I need.
I don't know where I am supposed to go. I don't know any places nearby, and I'm not in the mood to do anything fun right now.
The car still smells like Dean, and roll down the windows to get rid of it. I slowly pull out of the parking lot and begin to drive. I don't have any destination in mind, I just need to clear my head.
Why was he so mad that I saw the photo album? Is he trying to keep his girlfriend a secret? His personal life is none of my business, but I wonder why he didn't tell me, or at least let it slip that he has a girlfriend. He seems to make her so happy, so why hide it?
Maybe it's for his character, he needs to be seen as available and single to attract a female audience. But then why doesn't he want anyone backstage knowing? And where's Renee now?
I hear a car horn behind me and I am snapped back into reality. I'm stopped at a green light. I press the gas and wave my hand behind me to apologize to the feisty driver. I watch as the city begins to disappear past me. Shopping malls, fast food joints, and a few hotels all pass me by. I spot a sports bar behind a pharmacy. It looks old and beat up, but there's a few cars parked around it, so it must be okay. I pull into the parking lot and stop the car.
I open the door to the restaurant and my senses light up from the smell of barbecue. The exterior of this place is misleading, the inside is nicely decorated for a sports bar. It's dimly lit, and candles sit in the middle of each table.
A group of large men sit at the back of the place at the bar, cheering on some sort of football game. The rest of the restaurant seems mostly empty. Its all made of wood, the walls, the floor, the tables. A friendly waitress dressed in all black comes over and leads me to the left of the restaurant. It looks deserted, except for 2 girls sitting a few booths over. I slide into my table and she hands me a menu. I thank her and she disappears.
I browse over the menu, but I'm really not that hungry. I don't know why I came in here anyways. I push away from the table and grab my purse from the back of the chair.
"Riley?" A voice asks and I look over to see the two girls smiling at me. Natalya and Brie. I feel apprehensive to go over, since Brie's sister practically hates my guts. Im not sure about how she feels about me, but if she feels anything like her sister, I might not make it out of here alive. I never thought these two would be at a place like this, I thought they only ate at five star restaurants.
I smile at them, and they both wave a hand to call me over. Okay, so maybe Brie doesn't hate me. I walk over to the booth and greet them.
"What are you doing here alone?" Natalya asks me, taking a bite of her salad.
"I guess I just wanted to be alone" I laugh and she nods understandingly.
"Did my sister say something to you?" Brie narrows her eyes and I shake my head.
"Oh no, no it's nothing to do with Nikki" I smile.
"Is it Paige?" Natalya digs further, I know they're both desperate to know.
"No, it's not Paige. I guess I'm just a little home sick" I shrug. Brie scoots over and pats the bench next to her. Slowly, I sit down and she slides her fruit salad over to me, offering a bite. I take a strawberry and thank her.
"It's okay, that's normal. We all get homesick, but don't worry. Next time you have a day off, why not fly home for the day?" Brie suggests. I never thought about that. Except for Monday's and Thursday's, I don't work. I should see if Hunter would be okay with me going home for the day tomorrow.

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