Chapter 32

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Dean is only coming back to the hotel for a little while before he has to go to the arena, so I don't know what I can do in such a short time to make him feel better.
It was never my intention to hurt Dean. He needs to understand that if I'm not ready to say something, I'm not going to say it. Plain and simple.

I finally arrive back at the hotel room. First, I should probably clean up the room. Dean and I were hardly in the room at all, but somehow we still managed to make a mess. First I pick up all of the clothes that have spilled out onto the floor. Dean brought a suitcase, much bigger than mine, because he doesn't have as many days off as I do. Most of his clothes are just messily thrown to the suitcase. Maybe I should fold them for him...
No, he obviously likes his clothes this way, and if I try and mess with them, it could make him mad. I know I need to stop pushing myself into his life, it must be annoying to him. I just have to be really good today, and make sure that we don't fight of argue.

After I finish putting our clothes away, I wonder into the washroom. Most of the stuff in here is mine, except for his toothbrush and some deodorant. My makeup and hair products are all spilled out onto the counter.

After about 20 minutes, the beds are made, the floors are clothes free and the room overall looks brand new, you wouldn't think anybody had been in here for months. I'm pretty proud of how it looks.
I decided to order room service, something really nice that Dean and I can have before he has to head to the arena. The hotel says that they take pride in there food, so hopefully they can give Dean and I a nice meal. I think this is nicer than going out to a restaurant, because this is much more private. I pick up the phone to call hotel room service, and a nice sounding lady answers after the second ring.
I scan over the menu for a few moments, before picking out plenty of food to make the meal more like a buffet. The lady tells me that it will be about 15 minutes for all of the food that I ordered. I thank her before hanging up.
Now I don't know what to do until Dean gets back. I guess I should get changed out of these workout clothes, even though I didn't break a sweat from walking less than five minutes on the treadmill.
I reopen my suitcase and dig through all of the clothes I just packed. Should I wear a dress? Well, I'm not going anywhere except the airport after the live event tonight, so getting dressed up may be a waste. Then again, I can wear what I want. I see a nice white lace crop top, and a purple high waisted skirt. This is perfect, not too dressed up but not lazy and underdressed either.
After I quickly slip on the clothes, I turn on the TV to entertain me until the room service arrives. I pick out a sitcom that I've seen at least 12 times, before sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at the screen. I can't focus on what's happening on the show. I don't know if it's lack of sleep, or that there's too much on my mind.
I pick up my phone and send a quick text to Paige, I haven't seen her since earlier when she found out about Dusty.
Hey, you okay? I'm worried about you
I simply send, and lock my phone.
After a few minutes, I still haven't heard a response from Paige. I am contemplating going to look for her, but before I can, I hear a knock at the door.
"Room service!" Somebody from the opposite side of the door calls. Perfect timing. I walk over to the door and open it, a short older lady with rosy cheeks greets me with a smile, while pushing a cart filled with plates and silver domes covering them.
"Here's your order sweetheart" she happily says, and I thank her repeatedly. She reminds me a bit of my grandmother, before she passed away 3 years ago.
I take the rolling cart from her, and give her a few bills to pay and tip for the meal.
"Have a nice day" she coos before walking down the hall towards the staircase. She probably thinks that all of this food is for me.
All of the food smells amazing, and I know that after Dean smells it and tastes the food, he's going to forget about everything. I hope.
I wheel the cart over to the middle of the room, and begin taking off the lids from the plates. Different kinds of sandwiches, fruit, cookies and cakes are all revealed, looking better than they smell. I don't know when Dean will be back, but soon I hope.
I lift the plates over to the desk in the corner of the room, moving the notepads and pencils that are covered with the hotel logos.
I pour each of us a small glass of orange juice, and the spread looks perfect. This is the perfect brunch for us to enjoy together.
As soon as I set the glass of juice down, I hear the doorknob jiggle. I turn around and move over to the side of the desk so he can see the food.
I smile widely as he opens the door, looking down at his feet. He doesn't look up at me, and my smile falters for a moment. He keeps his head down before walking into the washroom and shutting the door behind him. That was weird... Dean isn't usually rude to anybody. Well, actually that's a lie. I know he hates Hunter and Stephanie, and is always rude to them, but he hasn't been rude to me in weeks. I hope that he isn't returning back to his old, colder self.
I hear the sink turn on, and I stand in the same spot waiting for him to come out.
After a few seconds, the running water shuts off and he walks out of the bathroom. He finally looks up at me. Our eyes meet for a second, before his move down to the desk filled with delicious food. He stands still and stares at it, opening his mouth to speak, but instantly shutting it.
"Are you hungry?" I question, breaking the silence. He finally looks away from the food, and walks over to his suitcase that is set on top of one of the beds.
"Did you move my cologne?" He asks. My smile falls. He didn't say anything about the food, or how I cleaned the room? I get it, he's hurt, but I thought you were supposed to just move on from things like this. Isn't he supposed to run into my arms, swing me around and kiss me, thanking me for the food? I guess not Dean when he's in a mood this, moody Dean.
"I put it in your suitcase" I huff, standing in place with my arms crossed in front of me. He has about 2 seconds to say something about the food or I'm going to freak out. He doesn't have to eat it, but he could say something about it.
He rummages through his suitcase, before pulling out the small blue bottle of cologne, and spraying himself a few times over.
"Are you going to eat?" I ask, a slight tone to my voice. He doesn't look over at me, again.
"A few of the guys and I are going out for some lunch before the show. You enjoy though" he throws the cologne back into the suitcase, and zips up the pocket. What? Not even a thank you for the consideration, for the thoughtfulness?
"You're joking, right?" I ask. I let out a laugh, but it isn't because this is funny, it's because I'm in disbelief.
"I do this for you, for us, and you're just going to ditch?" I roll my eyes before tuning around, and slamming lids back onto the foot platters. There is no way I can eat all of this by myself. I guess I'll have to go find a hobo to share it with, someone who will actually appreciate it.
"I can't help it if I had plans" he tells me nonchalantly. I whip back around and stare at him.
"You can't just ignore this Dean. We have to talk about it!" I tell him. It's true, if we don't talk about it, we are just going to continue to get farther and farther apart.
"There's nothing to talk about." He stares at me, making eye contact finally. His blue eyes are definitely filled with emotion.
I know this is Dean's way of dealing with things, but it isn't the right way. You can't ignore the problems that happen in a relationship.

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