Chapter 40

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Authors note: rest in paradise Hot Rod. You were a true inspiration, and one of the best and most loved heels that WWE has ever had. You left us so early but you left such a legacy behind, we will never forget you Rowdy Roddy Piper. (If you didn't know, piper passed away due to cardiac arrest in his sleep yesterday.)

I stand in front of the hotel room door that Dean and I are supposed to share. The door is pure white, and smooth. This is really the fanciest hotel ever, the elevator even had one of those men that stand in here and push the button for you. When I pressed my floor by myself, I got a strange look from him, and the rest of the ride was very awkward.
I play with the key card in my hand, spinning it over and over while holding my suitcase in the other hand. The key is basic, it says the hotel name in very fancy gold lettering.
I finally put the key into the access hole to the door and swing it open.
A small light stream is coming in from the room. I walk further out of the doorway, and realize this room is huge.
Right now I'm standing in the main room, which has 2 couches, a huge TV mounted onto the wall, and a few chairs to sit in. A few lamps are also in the room, but they're turned off. This looks much more like an apartment then a hotel room.
I look to my left where the stream of light is coming from. There's a door that's slightly opened, and faint voices can be heard from inside. One voice is definitely Dean's, but the other sounds like a girls. Who is in there?
I hear Dean laugh, and the girl join in. If it's who I think it is, I'm going to jump out of a window.
I pull down the handle of my suitcase and leave it standing int he middle of the room, before slowly trekking over to the door.
The first thing I see when I push the handle in is Natties blonde hair. She's in track pants, and a loose tye dye shirt, with her hair in a bun. I guess once you've been doing this traveling thing for a while, you get tired of caring about your appearance. So how come Nattie looks so good in an outfit I was almost exactly wearing earlier, but she looks so much better in it then me.
Dean's eyes nearly fall out of his head when he sees me, and I'm not sure if it's because he's happy or shocked to see me. Both of them are sitting on the mattress, pretty close if I say so.
"Riley" he smiles and stands, walking over to me. He wraps his arms around me, but I keep my hands glued to my side.
"What's going on?" I slowly question the two of them. I'm not sure why Nattie always seems to be around Dean when I'm not, but it's really starting to annoy me, and it sure seems like she's trying to make a move on him.
"Nothing, we were just talking" Dean quickly says, taking a step back and smiling.
"How have you been Riley?" Nattie asks, sitting on the neatly made bed. I really wish she would leave, I want to talk to Dean about everything but I can't do that with her here.
"I've been alright" I keep my answer short. I'm scared that I'm wound so tight right now that I would snap at Nattie in a second if she says anything that might piss me off in the slightest bit.
"That's good. Was your flight okay?" Nattie continues to ask more pointless questions. The air between us seems tense for some reason, but maybe it's just me.
I simply nod, not even bothering to say anything this time. I quickly glance at Dean, only to see him staring back at me with the same goofy smile plastered on his face. I can't help but smile back.
"Nattie, do you think Riley and I could have a little bit of time to ourselves?" Dean questions. She happily nods, and I let out a breath. If all I had to do was ask, I should have done that when I first got here, it could have saved both of us some awkwardness.
Nattie jumps off the bed and leaves the room. Seconds later, I hear the front door open and shut, telling us that Nattie left.
Dean is leaning against the wall of the room. I didn't get a chance to look around the room when I first walked in, but now I do. It's bigger than my bedroom at home. A king sized bed takes up most of the space, and two night stands on either side of the bed.
"Why'd you change your seat on the flight over?" Dean asks, and I look over to him. He looks more refreshed than he did this morning. He looks like he got a haircut, with the dead ends cut off, and his hair shinier than usual. It's been less than 24 hours since I saw him, but he looks different.
"Oh, Paige wanted me to sit next to her" I don't know if he's going to buy the lie, but if I tell him it's because I didn't want to sit with him, it could lead to a whole new round of fighting.
Dean doesn't say anything, he's just staring at me. I look down to the floor, then back up to him, only to be met again by his intense stare. My heart is beating just at the sight of him, but then again it's always like this.
Everything I was planning to say to him when I got in here is lost from my mind, and my mouth has gone dry. He really does look a lot better than usual. For once he isn't wearing a plain black, white or grey shirt, and no leather jacket. He's still wearing the same type of jeans that he's usually wears, but now he's wearing a button up black and red plaid shirt. I never thought in a million years that he would wear something like that, but I like it.
"Uh... Your outfit" I stutter the words out, and shake my head to try and get some sense into my brain. Why am I so disoriented right now?
"Do you like it?" He asks, suddenly seeming nervous as well. I don't like this awkward sense that nobody wants to say anything in fear of saying the wrong thing. Usually, Dean says whatever he wants with no filter, so why not today? I want it to be normal and comfortable between us like it usually is.
"Yeah, it's just different, I guess" I tell him. It is much different than what he usually, wears, but I like it.
"Why was Nattie in here?" I ask, but suddenly regret it. Asking him makes me seem jealous, which I'm not. I'm not.
"We just had a few things to talk about" he says quietly.
"Like what?" I continue to ask questions that I shouldn't. Dean is loyal and I shouldn't care so much about him and his friend, who happens to be a girl, hanging out together,
He brushes his hair out of his eyes. Though he got a haircut, he didn't get enough cut off that a few stray strands occasionally fall into his eyes.
"Just some stuff, Riley. Let it go" he tells me. I definitely notice a mood change from him once I start asking about Nattie.
"What, so now I'm not allowed to ask why my boyfriend is in a hotel room alone with a girl?" I cross my arms over my chest. I deserve to know what they were talking about.
"Oh my god Riley, seriously?" He rolls his eyes and turns away from me, walking over to the window in the room and staring out for a second.
I follow him over as he turns around to face me.
"You don't see me asking about you and Punk hanging out together" Dean says, staring down at me.
"We're just friends, and you know that!" I defend mine and Punks relationship. It's true, besides punk hasn't thrown himself at me the way Nattie has at Dean.
"Well, same for Nattie and I!" Dean says, widening his eyes.
Alright, come on Riley. You didn't come here to fight with Dean, you came to talk to him about your relationship.
"Do you wanna sit down?" I sigh and ask him, deciding to be the bigger person and stop fighting.
He nods, both of us walking over to the bed and sitting down on top. The mattress sinks under the weight of our bodies and I continue to move around a bit to get comfortable. You would think with such a fancy hotel, they could afford some softer mattresses.
Our legs are almost touching as he sits beside me. He moves his leg away, making the space between us larger. It's difficult to be so close to him but emotionally so distant right now.
"Can I ask you something" Dean breaks the silence between us. The bed squeaks one more time as I reposition myself finally into a pretty comfortable position.
"I guess" I say. I feel anxious while waiting for him to ask, the seconds seem like hours while I wait for the question. There could be anything brewing in his head.
"Do you still love me?" He asks quietly. His voice is shaky, and I turn to face him quickly. His eyes look as innocent as a child's, and I want to hold him as tightly as possible.
Of course I still love him. I am absolutely head over heels in love with him, and it hurts me so badly to think that he thought just because I wanted this "break" that my love for him has died. If anything, my love has grown while being away from him. Sleeping alone, and not being around him has made me realize how important he is to me.
"Oh my gosh Dean of course I do" I tell him, taking his hands into my own smaller hands. He relaxes a bit, and I feel terrible. The first thing I do is come in here and start arguing with him while he's scared that I don't love him.
"The only reason I wanted to take that break was because I was scared. I didn't know what was happening between us and having us fight was scaring me" my words aren't making much sense,nbut he nods understandingly as if they do.
"I was scared too but we can't do that every time we have a fight" Dean tells me. He is definitely a lot more mature than you would think, and it's especially showing now.
"I know. This is all kind of new for me though, a relationship in this environment isn't like a regular one" I tell him. This work place is not exactly ideal for relationships. I've seen them fail and I've seen them succeed. A mix between the travelling, sleep schedule, and intense, fast paced life style that we love don't exactly make for the best place to have a relationship.
That being said, I truly believe that if Dean and I want to, we can make it together. I believe that one day we can be sitting on the retirement home porch hand in hand while he's in a wheelchair and I'm making cookies or something.
"I love you" Dean tells me suddenly. My heart flutters at his simple words as much as it did when I first heard them.
"I love you too" I tell him, and kiss his lips.
"So much" my lips graze his, and he smiles.
Dean and I sit in each other's arms for a while, I listen to his heartbeat with my ear pressed against his chest. I know Dean and I didn't quite talk about everything that we should have, but I'm so tired right now, and everything seems to be okay, so maybe we should just leave it alone. Maybe this is how we deal with things. We ignore them and hope they go away. That can't be good for us to do, but it's worked so far. So why not keep it going.
After a little bit, I finally push myself off of the mattress and walk over to my suitcase.
"What are you doing?" Dean questions. I pull a white towel, and toiletry bag from my suitcase and zip it shut. My hair is greasy because I haven't had much spare time to do anything, much less shower. I'm excited to relax and distress for a few minutes in there.
"I have to shower" I tell him, and he nods.
"Can I come" he playfully wiggles his eyebrows. I put my hand on my hip, but can't contain the laughter hat sneaks from between my lips.
"Not a chance Ambrose" I giggle, and take off towards the bathroom inside the bedroom of our hotel room. The wooden floors squeak under my feet as I rush into the bathroom and shut the door, leaving a pouting Dean just on the other side.
"Come on!" Dean complains, and I laugh some more.

I walk over to the shower and turn on the water, before quickly strip out of my clothes, letting them fall to the ground around my ankles. I wrap the towel around my body and lean over into the tub  to test the water temperature. As I do, the door flies open, and there stands Dean with a satisfied smirk.
"Out" I order, giggling.
"Seriously Riley!" He groans.
"Fine. But you sit on the counter and no peeking" I tell him, but knowing him he's for sure going to peek. He shuts the door and walks over to the bathroom counter so a little more pep in his step. He hops onto the counter and watches me step into the shower. I toss my towel over the curtain rod and a few seconds later, it disappears.

The hot water hits the top of my head and flows down my hair, onto my shoulders, relaxing me in the most calming way possible. This is heaven, it's exactly what I needed right now.
I stand in the steaming water, letting it fall onto every part of my body, making my muscles less tense.
I think I've been in here for a pretty long time, and I need to continue on my hair.  I begin to rub shampoo into my hair, I hear a phone ringing.
"Hello?" He answers. I listen through the rushing water to the conversation.
"No, sorry she isn't available right now, who's this?" Dean asks. He's on my phone, and I don't know who he's talking to.
"Oh.... Okay then. I'll let her know you called. Bye" Dean says, and a small beep indicates that the call ended.
"Who was that?" I call to Dean, as I shut off the water.
"Your dad" Dean tells me. He doesn't sound mad, or sad, or happy. He just sounds kind of emotionless.
"What did he want?" I ask him, poking my head past the curtain.
"He wanted to see if you're still coming up this weekend" Dean says, avoiding eye contact with me. A cloud of steam from the shower still clouds the room, and has fogged up the mirror.
"I'll call him back later" I dismiss the subject and reach for a towel to dry myself with.
"So you're leaving for the weekend?" Dean asks, handing me the towel I was reaching for.
"Yeah, for a few days. Just because I'm going on the European tour and I won't be able to see him or call him much" I explain. He nods and hops off the counter, walking back into the room.
I don't know what his problem is right now. He seems distant.
I wrap my hair into the towel, and step out of the shower. Once it's secure, I grab another towel and use it for my body, before following Dean.
"What's wrong?" I ask. We literally just got over a fight 10 minutes ago, and already this is happening?
"Why are you really going?" Dean asks quietly, sitting on the bed.
"Because I want to see my family?" I tell him, confused. What is he talking about?
"So it's not because you're tired of me?" Dean asks, his cheeks turning bright red at the question.
"No, Dean it isn't. I promise" I tell him, honestly. I can see it in his eyes that he doesn't believe me.
"Do you want to come with me?" I ask, and his eyes brighten. I was going to ask him last night if he wanted to come with me, I've been planning to go see my father since Hunter told me about the European trip.
"Really?" He asks. He looks so hopeful and cute.
"Sure" I laugh, and he hugs me.
"If you insist" he says, and kisses my forehead.
This feels so right, and I feel happy. Truly happy.

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