Chapter 58

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I slowly turn around and come face to face with Tom, and I want to immediately run in the opposite direction. His presence worries me, and makes me nervous in a bad way.

I have no clue why he is here or what he wants but I don't like being in a room alone with him, it's making me feel uneasy.

The hustle and bustle of the party going on in the next room is loud, and I can hear Dean's laugh, him being completely oblivious to the fact that Tom is in here.

"Long time, no see" he says, taking a step back, after I haven't said anything to him. I'm shocked, too shocked to speak. I didn't think I would ever have to see him again, and I wish Dean would come in here and help me, I don't like being in here without Dean or someone else.

"Want some help?" He asks, sticking his hand into the grocery bag and pulling out the box of cookies Dean got. I'm surprised by his act of kindness, and I'm waiting for him to say something more like Tom, the Tom I know is inside him.

"I... Uh sure." I say, not that it matters because he's already helping. I mean, it is nice to see him, after all we were friends and dating for a while. One night shouldn't change my opinion on him. Dean has done a lot worse and I still give him second chances, so it's only fair I do that for Tom too.

"These are so good. Remember when we snuck out of your house and ate these until you almost threw up" Dean holds up a bag of mini chocolate covered almonds, my favourite. I smile at the distant memory, remembering how sick I felt and how my dad had thought we were out drinking somewhere but we were really eating chocolate.

"And then my dad wanted to call the police" I reminisce in the memory, and Tom laughs.

"That was great" he says, and I nod in agreement. See, he isn't that bad.

"So, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." Tom says, his voice more serious and quieter than before. I pick up a box of crackers from the bag and put it in a cupboard.

"Okay, shoot" I say, my back facing him. The men in the other room all laugh, and I hear the tv playing some sort of sports game. It sounds like basketball but I'm not positive.

Tom picks up the empty bags and puts them into the trash underneath the sink, before leaning against the counter and crossing his arms. I stand with my hands in front of me, waiting for him to speak.

"Well, I wanted to apologize for what happened when we last saw each other. I didn't realize how shitty I had treated you and I was an absolute stuck up asshole." He says, looking at the ground. I smile lightly. This is all I wanted, an apology.

I can tell Tom really means it, and like I said before, everyone deserves a second chance.

"No problem, let's just forget that happened and move on." I suggest, and he smiles, happily.

Tom takes a step closer to me and wraps his arms around me in a tight friendly hug.

"I'm happy you're back." Tom says. Before I have a chance to answer, his arms are ripped from around me, and Tom's body is thrown to the ground, the back of his head hitting off of the counter behind him.

"Dean!" I shout, and as soon as I do, all the noise and laughter in the next room silences, and everyone rushes over to the doorway to take in the scene in front of them.

"You're fucking scum" Dean shouts at Tom, his words being echoed off of the walls of the kitchen. Dean takes a chair from the kitchen table and throws it to the ground, obviously a way to release his anger. I step back, away from the angry and pissed off Dean, away from the chaos.

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