13 - Thirteen - Matteo Concetta's Point Of View.

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Caio and I had a peaceful couple of days up until now. Against my wishes, Caio let my mother inside after she found out where Alessio had stashed me. She sat across from me and crossed her arms.

"You can come home with me, your room is still there and—-"

"No." I said flatly.

"Caio, tell him you want your space." My mother said, looking at him.

"Caio, you don't have to listen to her. She's not your boss or your—--"

"He is a grown man who would like his privacy."

"How do you know, huh? Did you fucking asking him?"

"He is a single adult male. What use does he have keeping around a fucking child, Matteo!"

"Get out!" I yelled. Losing my cool with her.

"It's not your house. You don't have the right to tell me to get out."

Standing up, I took my half full plate of dinner, set it on the counter and turned around, stomping to the room and pulling my sweater on. Leaving the bedroom, she yelled at me even more.

"Where are you going!" She screamed at me.

"Somewhere you are not. You ruin everything! Every little fucking thing. Things here were fucking peaceful and then you fucking show up!"

"Matteo, calm down. We can sort this out—-"

"Shut up Caio! I don't want to sort things out with her. I hate—----" Caio closed the space between us and grabbed me, cutting off my words with his hand he slapped over my mouth.

"Perhaps it will be best if you come back another time." Caio said politely to my mother. I wiggled in his arms and bit his fingers.

"Or never come back!"

"Hold on. We can talk. Just let me deal with him."


Caio yanked me despite my thrashing to his bedroom and tossed me inside. He held the doorknob at first, but then he just plain locked me inside. I only knew about the lock because I had seen Caio lock it.

"Caio, you son of a bitch! Let me out!"

He didn't respond, and I didn't hear him out there even talking with her. Fishing my phone out of my pocket. I dialled Alessio's number, but after a ring or two, it went right to his voicemail. His bedroom window was open, so I could see in his room. I would have been happy to be in his space if it wasn't my prison at the moment. Kicking the door down was out of the question.

Calling Andrei, he picked up.

"Thank fuck!"

"Matteo. What's up?"

"Caio! Stupid son of a bitch! He locked me in his bedroom and I can't get out!"

The phone was silent and when I pulled it away from my ear, tapping on the screen, it was dead. My anger peaked, and I threw my phone into the pillows on Caio's bed.

"I fucking hate you!"

I unplugged the lamp on his nightstand and threw it against the floor, bits of lamp flinging everywhere. I threw anything I could get my hand on. Books, a water bottle, a couple of pillows.

I opened his dresser and yanked his clothing out of his drawers, tossing it on the floor. I kicked it around and even went as far as dumping the water inside the bottle all over the clothing. I threw things out of his closet and continued to destroy his room for an hour. I shoved his empty dresser in front of the door.

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