chapter 7

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Mon is becoming irritated already because the weather is not really permitting her to go back to England yet.

She really needs to go back because of work.

She is also worried about her dad. She needs to monitor him regarding his medication. His dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and is now getting chemotherapy.

Can't  you check other airlines?! They might have something already. She is firing instructions to her secretary.

Okay, Ms. A. Let me check. Her secretary went out sweating because her boss is now pissed off.

Then her secretary accidentally bumps into someone because she is hurrying up.

Hey, are you okay? It was Sam. She is now asking Mon's secretary.

I am really sorry. I am just in a hurry because Ms. A is really pissed off.

Do you need help? What is she asking you to do? Sam asked.

She really wanted to go back to England and she is asking me to check all the airlines available and ask them to fly her out. The secretary said.

I think you'll not get anything right now because of the weather. Just tell your boss to wait and don't be childish.

Do you want me fired?

No I'm just joking. You can try but I am sure there will be no available right now.

Then suddenly the office door opened.

Is she the airline company? Mon is now asking her secretary with her serious face. I told you to look for an available flight immediately. Not to have a chitchat with someone.

Mon. Sam was not able to stop her self.

What? Mon looked at her with a straight face.

She is just asking me for suggestions where to go to check for airline companies.

Then Mon turned around and went back to her office.

While Sam.

Don't worry its okay now. You go ahead and look for a plane that can fly her out.  I'll just need to talk to her.

Then Sam knocked in Mon's office.

Come in. Then Sam opened the door slowly and went inside.

What do you need, Sam? Mon ask seriously.

What is happening to you Mon? Why do you need to repremand your secretary infront of everyone?

She is not doing her work. I need to go back to England. I have so much things to do there.

She is doing her work Mon. You are just being childish right now. 

Childish? Me childish. I hope you realize who you are talking to.

Of course, you are my boss and I can get fired by answering her back.

And you still do it. Mon said with a straight face.

Because I know you and I know you are not like this. I just don't want that the other employees here will think that you are a bad boss because you are not. Sam explained.

I don't care what they will think of me. I need to go back to England and I need her to look for something right now. And why the hell you care about what they will think about me, huh? 

Sam was surprise to hear that from Mon. She could not believe her being that way. It hurts her hearing Mon saying those words.

Sam turned around and went out of Mon's office.

Mon on the other hand instantly regretted why she burst out like that in front of Sam. She was just carried away. She needs to say sorry to Sam. 

Mon! such a stupid thing to do.. Stupid. Stupid. She is now talking to her self.

The whole day Mon stayed in her office. She did not went out to even have her lunch. She does not have the appetite after what happened with Sam.

She is thinking on how to say sorry to Sam after what she did earlier. She knows Sam is just protecting her. Protecting her image to the employees.

Mon decided to ask Sam to go out tonight. As she went out of her office and approached Sam's station, she was surprise to see Nita, she just saw Nita kissed Sam on the cheek, then Sam also saw Mon looking their way so she step back and pushed Nita slightly.

Mon, Sam called her but Mon turned around and hurriedly went back to her office. 

Sam excused her self from Nita and hurriedly go after Mon. Sam did not knock anymore, she went inside Mon's office immediately.

Mon, Sam called her. She is not minding her. Mon is now looking outside the window. 

She went closer to Mon and then she saw her in tears. Sam was worried, she really don't want to see Mon crying.

Hey, Mon. Sam approaches her more.

Just leave me alone, Sam. I'm sorry I disturb you and Nita. I just went their to ask for your apology on how I acted earlier. Mon explained.

About Nita, Mon and what you saw earlier, Ahm.. Then Mon cut her off.

You don't need to explain, Sam. 

But I want to, Mon insisted. 

No need Sam. I am happy for you and Nita. You deserve to be happy Sam. And I see that you are happy with her. Then Mon took her purse and immediately went out of her office and walk fast to her car.

Sam tried to stop Mon, but Nita stopped her. 

Sam what is happening? Nita asked

Ahm, nothing. Then Sam walked back to her station. She knows Mon is not okay. She wanted to talk to her and explain to her about Nita, but she does not know how, Mon will surely stay away from her. 

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